
Friday, December 14, 2012

DC Water NEBBT project in Bloomingdale: possible impact on McMillan

Regarding last night's DC Water meeting to discuss the Northeast Boundary and Branch (NEBBT) tunnels implementation - part of the DC Clean Rivers project:

A Powerpoint presentation was distributed and referenced last night at the meeting.  We will make that available and link to it.

For now, the key item of interest to McMillan followers:  the proposed idea to divert stormwater runoff to the McMillan site -- and to drill a huge new tunnel under 1st Street NW in Bloomingdale -- would include the demolition of at least three of the cells on the site.  So DC Water will need to go before the DC Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB), since it would involve some destruction of a landmarked site -- which is what the McMillan development team was also going to do. 
No surprise that this big infrastructure project would include some damage to the sand filtration site.  

Let's see how the HPRB weighs in when this project is presented to them -- perhaps next year some time.

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