
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Bloomingdale Surface Water Management update

Thanks to Bloomingdale Civic Association President and ANC 5E06 Commissioner Teri Janine Quinn for passing along this Email.

From: Chancee Lundy <>
Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2013 22:09:48 -0500
Subject: Followup- Bloomingdale Surface Water Management
To: tj quinn 
Cc: "Arno, Reginald (DDOT)" <>, "Ohlson, Kyle (DDOT)" <>

Commissioner Quinn,

It was great speaking with you earlier this evening and I wanted to touch base with you again just to reassure you that DDOT still has plans to execute the Bloomingdale Surface Water Management Project. As of right now, we have not started any construction work on this project. 
Since the project on Rhode Island Ave. will be quite lengthy, the project was postponed until after the holidays and inauguration to avoid mandatory stops that would have interrupted construction. Please let the community know that DDOT remains committed to implementing the solutions that were presented at the Bloomingdale Civic Association meeting in November.
DDOT does anticipate starting construction around the beginning of February, weather conditions permitting; however, as we get closer to the start time I will send you information regarding traffic changes and construction hours to distribute to the community. I also plan to attend the next ANC and Civic Association meeting to provide updates on the

As always, if you have questions or concerns prior to that time, please feel free to reach out to me.


Chancee` Lundy
*Public Outreach Coordinator *
*Bloomingdale Surface Water Management Project*

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