
Friday, March 22, 2013

status of the Backflow Preventer and Sandbar Act and Flood Assistance Fund Act

See this Email exchange:
From: Casey Torgusson
To: "Clark, Timothy (Council)" <>
Cc: "McDuffie, Kenyan (Council)" <>; "Mobley, Levonnia (Council)" <>; "Liotta, Stephanie (Council)" <>; "" <>; Jim Graham <>
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2013 3:20 PM
Subject: [Flood Issues (BdaleLeDroit)] Re: Request for update on implementation of compensation and backflow preventer legislation
Thanks for the update Tim - very helpful.
My concern is that the bills left most of the details on how both the backflow program and the compensation program would be administered, eligibility criteria, etc. up to various DC agencies to sort out.  If they are not preparing for this while we await congressional review there will be even more delays after the bills become law before they are implemented.  Has your office been liaising with the relevant agencies to ensure they are ready to roll out the programs on day one? 
Best Regards
On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 2:40 PM, Clark, Timothy (Council) <> wrote:
Dear Casey,
Thank you for your email.  Before responding, we wanted to check in with our partner agencies on the Bloomingdale Flooding Task Force, to ensure we provide the most updated information.  Please expect more information to be forwarded and shared with the list serv and Bloomingdale community as we gather additional requested details.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with the legislative process in the District of Columbia, all of our laws must go through a Congressional review process.   Given the timetable of DC Council’s review for the following bills, it is projected that the Backflow Preventer and Sandbag Act will become law in April and the Flood Assistance Fund Act will become law later this spring, once the Congressional review process is complete.  The laws will then go before the Mayor for implementation.
As many of you know, the infrastructure work in Bloomingdale was slated to begin in November.  However, administrative delays have pushed the timetable back.  We stressed to the Mayor and Terry Bellamy, Director of DDOT, the urgency of the short-term solutions for Rhode Island Ave., 1st St., and T St. NW and they assured us that our office will be notified once the work is set to commence.  Upon receiving notice from DDOT, we will work with the Mayor’s office to provide proper notice to residents and local leadership (ANCs and civic associations).  Attached, you will find the fact sheet that details the work that will be done.
If you have any additional questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me.  We look forward to the work ahead and continuing to mitigate the ill-consequences of rainstorms for our residents and businesses in the Bloomingdale neighborhood.
In Service,
Tim Clark
Community and Business Affairs Director
Councilmember Kenyan McDuffie, Ward 5
Chair Pro Tempore
Chair, Committee on Government Operations
Council of the District of Columbia
1350 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Ste. 506
Washington, DC 20004
202.724.8830 (direct)

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