
Sunday, June 16, 2013

Chevy Chase resident Andrea Rosen's letter opposing the surplussing of McMillan

Another Email to DC Councilmembers opposing the surplussing of Bloomingdale's McMillan Sand Filtration site:

From: Andrea Rosen <>
To: Daniel Wolkoff <>
Cc: DC Councilmembers, others
Sent: Sun, Jun 16, 2013 2:35 am
Subject: Re: Mayor Gray to "surplus" McMillan Park
Dear Councilmembers, Mayoral aspirants, and Washington citizens,
I support Daniel Wolkoff's vision 1,000 percent, and await our elected officials' response to his question. I write from another nation's capital, resplendent with monumental and intimate parks and vistas enjoyed by millions of citizens and visitors daily.  The government here never ceases maintaining and improving these parks, which is evident to the most casual observer.  Washington, D.C., is often likened to this city, Paris, because a Frenchman, Pierre L'Enfant, had a hand in the early planning of our city, with its boulevards and circles lined by low buildings.
But our leaders have only one vision, it seems, for the public property in the city we have been so lucky to inherit, and that is selling it off, piece by piece, at discount, as quickly as possible, so as to enlarge the electoral war chests of current office-holders. Please correct me if I'm missing something in the dismal development plans for the once-graceful expression of the City Beautiful.
Please stop destroying our city. Please remember it belongs to all of us.
Andrea Rosen
Ward 4, Chevy Chase
On Jun 16, 2013, at 6:26 AM, Daniel Wolkoff <> wrote:
What kind of city do we live in? A whole section of DC discrimainated against by the District Government with the fencing off of mcMillan Park for 27 years! Conservation ignored, adaptive-reuse given lip-service,, and places remaining to build community are privatized for service to the wealthy. Let us get real and save McMillan Park  and start the process of Renewing The "Emerald Necklace" for the long overdue parks, trails, woods, and waterworks for the city. Please read my testimony to the HPRB to restore  McMillanPark.
Daniel Goldon Wolkoff
1231 Randolph Street, NE
Washington, DC 20017

Tel: 202-232-8391

1 comment:

  1. Seriously, this woman live in Chevy Chase. When is the last time she has even been east of rock creek park much less the McMillian site. Who does she know that told her to write this letter? Only thing worst if she lived in Chevy Chase MD. How would she appreciate me trying to push my opinions on something being done in her neighborhood. I assure you she would scream bloody murder if suddenly people east of the park started chiming in to things done in her very high end neighborhood
