
Saturday, June 08, 2013

McMillan on upcoming HPRB agenda

Note that the McMillan entry: "concept/park and recreation center; townhouses, mixed use retail and residential building, medical office buildings (Callcott)."

From: DC Government <>
Sent: Friday, June 7, 2013 4:41 PM
Subject: HPO Monthly Public Notice June 2013 (June 27 and July 11)

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This document and others related to the June 27 and July 11, two-day HPRB Meeting and Public Hearings will be posted on our website accessible at the following:
or the abbreviated URL of:
June 2013
June 27 and July 11th, 2013
441 4th Street NW, Room 220 South, 9:00 a.m.
The Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB) will meet Thursday, June 27 and July 11, 2013 to consider permit and concept applications for work affecting historic properties. The June 27th meeting includes a public hearing on nominations to designate historic landmarks.
This notice is a list of cases that have been filed by the application deadline for review by the HPRB. Applications and plans for each case are a matter of public record and may be reviewed during business hours at the Historic Preservation Office. The agenda of cases for the HPRB meeting(s) will be drawn from this notice. However, some cases filed for consideration may not be included on the Board’s agenda for this month’s public meetings. A case may be deferred at the request of the affected Advisory Neighborhood Commission, for insufficient information, if additional preparation is required, or at the discretion of the staff or HPRB. Listing on this notice does not guarantee a hearing this month.
The agenda for the June 2013 HPRB meeting will be emailed to all recipients of this public notice and posted on the Historic Preservation Office website at on June 21, 2013. To receive a print copy of the staff report for a case on the agenda, please contact Bruce Yarnall at (202) 442-8835 or on or after June 21.
4-A         George M. Lightfoot House, 1329 Missouri Avenue NW, Case #13-13 (Fletcher)
3-F          Sterrett Residence, 3530 Springland Lane NW, Case #13-14 (Dennee)
6-D         Town Center East, 1001 and 1101 3rd Street SW, Case #13-16 (Dennee)
1-A         Park View Playground and Fieldhouse, Case #13-18 (to be heard in July)
Historic Landmarks
6-A         Mott Motors/Plymouth Theater, 1365 H Street, NE, HPA #13-392, concept/rooftop and rear additions (being heard in July; Molson and Callcott)
5-E          McMillan Park Reservoir, 2501 First Street, NW, HPA 13-#318, concept/park and recreation center; townhouses, mixed use retail and residential building, medical office buildings (Callcott)
6-D         Town Center East, 1001 and 1101 3rd Street NW, Square 542, HPA #13-394, concept/renovation and adjacent new construction (to be heard only if designated as landmark; Callcott)
6-D         Randall Junior High School, 65 I Street, SW, concept/rehabilitation and 12-story addition (Maloney)
1-B       Bond Bread Factory (General Baking Company Bakery), 2146 Georgia Avenue NW and Washington Railway and Electric Company Garage, 2112 Georgia Avenue NW, HPA#13-338, raze and revised concept for additions (Callcott)
2-B         Scottish Rite Temple, 1733 16th Street, NW, HPA #13-391, concept/renovations, ADA access (Callcott)
Anacostia Historic District
8-A         1526 U Street SE, HPA #13-384, two-story rear addition (Dennee)
Blagden Alley/Naylor Court Historic District
2-F          1320 9th Street NW, HPA #13-395, concept/2-story rear addition to 2-story commercial bldg. (Meyer)
2-F          1322 9th Street NW, HPA #13-322, concept/new 5-story residential building (Meyer)
Capitol Hill Historic District
6-A         20 14th Street, NE, HPA #13-156, concept/raze and rebuild garage structure (McMillen)
6-B         720 L Street, SE, HPA #13-267, ongoing concept review of new construction (Molson)
6-B         917 12th Street, SE, HPA #13-328, permit/basement entrance (Molson)
6-B         500 8th Street, SE, HPA #13-268, concept/storefront alterations (Molson)
6-B         202 9th Street, SE, HPA #13-383, concept/rear addition (McMillen)
6-B         208 5th Street, SE, HPA #13-386, concept/rear addition (McMillen)
6-B         639 South Carolina Avenue, SE, HPA #13-321, concept/rear addition (McMillen)
6-B         1016 7th Street, SE, HPA #13-402, concept/rear addition (McMillen, to be heard in July)
Cleveland Park Historic District
3-C         3520 30th Street, NW, HPA #13-315, concept/window opening alterations and rear addition (Molson)
14th Street Historic District
2-F          1326 Riggs Street, NW, HPA #13-311, concept/third floor addition, basement areaway (Callcott)
2-F          1456-60 Church Street, NW, HPA #13-349, concept/8 story rear addition to three-story rowhouses (Callcott)
2-F          1618 14th Street, NW, HPA #13-350, demolish two-story contributing building (Callcott)
Kalorama Triangle Historic District
1-C         2012-2014 Kalorama Road NW, HPA#13-348, rear addition and renovation (Brockett)
LeDroit Park Historic District
1-B         1846 2nd Street NW, HPA #13-316, permit/roof deck on two-story rowhouse (Meyer)
1-B         513 U Street NW, HPA #13-109, concept/add third floor, penthouse and basement entrance to two-story rowhouse with projection (Meyer)
Mount Pleasant Historic District
1-D         3224 16th Street NW, HPA #13-320, extend driveway paving to create parking spaces in front of building (Dennee)
1-D         3428, 3430 and 3432 Oakwood Terrace NW, HPA #13-335, design development of construction of four rowhouses, and site work (Dennee; to be heard in July)
Mount Vernon Square Historic District
5-E          117 New York Avenue NW, HPA #13-385, concept/3-story rear addition to 3-story rowhouse (Meyer)
6-E          207 New York Avenue, NW, HPA #13-261, concept/add second and third floor to one-story commercial building (Meyer)
Sheridan-Kalorama Historic District
2-D         2131 Bancroft Place, NW, HPA #13-393, concept/roof deck and access structure (to be heard in July; Molson)
U Street Historic District
2-B         1407 T Street, NW, HPA #13-389, new commercial sign (Brockett)
2-B         1412 T Street NW, HPA #13-169, concept/new rowhouse construction (to be heard in July; Brockett)
2-B         1451 S Street NW, HPA #13-398, concept/ rear three story addition (Brockett)
1-B         1216 W Street NW, HPA #13-388, concept/roof deck and stair access (Brockett)
1-B         2237 13th Street, NW, HPA #13-264, concept/third floor addition (Brockett)
Washington Heights Historic District
1-C         1837 Kalorama Road NW, HPA #13-327, concept/rear addition (Brockett)
1-C         2316 18th Street NW, HPA #13-397, concept/rear addition, front basement alterations (Brockett)
Context study: Farms and Estates of Washington, DC. HPO will provide an update and preliminary findings on an in-house study of former farms and estates in Washington County.
Proposed update and revisions to DCMR 10-C, Chapter 3 HPRB and CFA Review of Work Affecting Historic Landmarks and Historic Districts, Section 319: Expedited Review under Delegation to the HPO.
The proposed revisions are posted on the HPO website at or can be obtained by email from Steve Callcott    ( The Board will consider public comments and vote on the proposed revisions at the June 27 or July 11 HPRB meeting.
For inquiries on a specific case, please contact the staff person assigned to the case. Written comments on a case must be received at the Historic Preservation Office by Close of Business, Tuesday, June18, to be distributed to HPRB members before the meeting. Please direct comments to the staff member responsible for the case.
Anne Brockett                  
(202) 442-8842
Steve Callcott
(202) 741-5247
Tim Dennee
(202) 442-8847
Kim Elliott
(202) 442-8838
Patsy Fletcher
(202) 741-0816
Andrew Lewis
(202) 442-8841
David Maloney
(202) 442-8850
Frances McMillen
(202) 442-8839
Brendan Meyer
(202) 741-5248
Amanda Molson
(202) 442-8827
Kim Williams
(202) 442-8840
To be included on the distribution list for this monthly public notice, please visit the Office of Planning websites homepage at . At the top of the page, select “Subscribe to Emails”. Once registered, scroll down and select “Office of Planning/Historic Preservation Office Notices.”
For additional information, see the HPO and HPRB website at
ACCESSIBILITY SERVICES: Persons needing accessibility accommodations for preservation services and programs may contact Steve Callcott at the Office of Planning at (202) 442-8800 to request assistance. Sign language interpretation is available for HPRB meetings with two weeks advance notice.
Bruce Yarnall
Historic Preservation Office/DC Office of Planning
1100 4th Street SW Suite E650
Washington, DC 20024
T (202) 442-8835
F (202) 442-7638
Visit the DC Office of Planning on Facebook and on Twitter @OPinDC

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