
Friday, July 12, 2013

DC Flood Assistance Fund Act of 2012 funding update

From: Jackson, Janene (EOM) <>
Date: Fri, Jul 12, 2013 at 10:43 AM
Subject: RE: One year later
To: "McDuffie, Kenyan (Council)" <>, Betsy McDaniel <>, "Glaude, Steve (EOM)" <>
Cc: "Mobley, Levonnia (Council)" <>, "Liotta, Stephanie (Council)" <>, "Jackson, Darrell (Council)" <>, "Mandel, Jon (Council)" <>

Ms. McDaniel,
The District of Columbia Flood Assistance Fund Act of 2012 was passed subject to appropriations (meaning no government funds were identified to implement the program at the time of its enactment).  Councilmember McDuffie identified funding in the FY 2014 budget that would allow for the implementation of the program.  Unfortunately, those funds do not become available until the start of Fiscal Year 2014, which October 1, 2013.  Despite the absence of funding in the current fiscal year, the Office of Risk Management is working to establish the Flood Assistance Fund Program.  I want to assure you that Mayor Gray is working diligently to address residents’ concerns regarding the flooding in the Bloomingdale area.  I have attached a copy of the legislation because Section 3 outlines the statutory parameters of the fund program and the requirement homeowners need to meet to be eligible for reimbursement.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. My contact information appears below in the email trail.


From: Jackson, Janene (EOM)
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2013 10:05 AM
To: 'McDuffie, Kenyan (Council)'; Betsy McDaniel;
Cc: Mobley, Levonnia (Council); Liotta, Stephanie (Council); Jackson, Darrell (Council); Mandel, Jon (Council)

Subject: RE: One year later

Ms. McDaniel,
Although the Mayor did not sign the legislation, it is still law. I will check on the status of the implementation of the program and send you an update before close of business today.

Thanks for your patience,

Janene D. Jackson, Esq.
Director, Office of Policy and Legislative Affairs
Executive Office of Mayor Vincent C. Gray
Government of the District of Columbia
The John A. Wilson Building
Suite 533
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20004
202-727-2816 (direct dial)
202-538-3213 (cellular)

From: McDuffie, Kenyan (Council) [mailto:kmcduffie@DCCOUNCIL.US
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 8:55 PM
To: Betsy McDaniel;
Cc: Jackson, Janene (EOM); Mobley, Levonnia (Council); Liotta, Stephanie (Council); Jackson, Darrell (Council); Mandel, Jon (Council)
Subject: RE: One year later

Dear Betsy,

Thank you for your email. I really appreciate your advocacy around this issue and your continued focus on the needs of the Bloomingdale community.

As you know, last year the Council passed my bill establishing the Flood Assistance Fund. The bill went unsigned by the Mayor and then was transmitted to Congress for its review. The bill has since become a law in the District of Columbia (you can read a copy here). To facilitate implementation, I even went so far as to cure the initial hurdle that impeded the fund’s set-up by adding spending authority legislative language to the 2013 Budget Supplement Act.

That the Mayor did not sign the bill is an indication that he does not support the Flood Assistance Fund approach to dealing with the flood damage, and he said as much on several occasions. He and I have agreed to disagree about what is a necessary remedy for the affected residents. 

At this point, the implementation of the Flood Assistance Fund is under the Mayor’s control as an executive function. As such, I am forwarding your email to Janene Jackson for a status report.

Again, thank you for your continued engagement.


From: Betsy McDaniel []
Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2013 9:24 AM
Cc: McDuffie, Kenyan (Council)
Subject: One year later

Happy July 10!

A year ago today, most of us suffered huge physical, emotional, and financial trauma when heavy rain caused flooding and sewer backflow. Hopefully, today finds everyone in a much better situation than you were one year ago. Although I still get stressed out when we have heavy rain (especially when my intersection floods) and I have to run check on the basement, I feel much better that I have had a BFP installed, protecting my house. I also now have a 530 gallon rain barrel that keeps that much storm water out of the system, and hopefully helps my neighbors. I have not made any changes in my homeowner's insurance, which I had really planned to do on renewal. Two out of three is pretty good for me.

So, how are the rest of you doing? The BFP rebate is still available. The rain barrel program is still available. If you haven't taken advantage of these programs, you should really think about it. Real relief is still years away.

If you do have a BFP, or sump pump, or French drain, don't forget that these require maintenance. Maybe today would be a good day to check on these devices. Rain barrels require draining when a storm is on the way and in preparation for winter. And of course, it is still important to not park your car on Rhode Island Avenue when  a heavy rain is possible. Hopefully, the DDOT project will soon be complete and help with that issue.

So, while this is not a great anniversary to celebrate, I think it is a great time to reflect on what we have accomplished in the last year, and consider what else needs to be done. We still have a long way to go until this long term problem is resolved, but I think we can feel some satisfaction that our voices have made a difference.

Councilmember McDuffie, could you please update the neighborhood on what happened to the legislation that passed that would help Bloomingdale and LeDroit Park recover from the 2012 floods and prepare for future flooding?

Thanks to all, and here's hoping that the summer of 2013 will create better memories than those of 2012.


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