
Friday, July 12, 2013

Envision McMillan full HPRB comments

From: Vision McMillan Partners <>
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2013 10:36 AM
Subject: Envision McMillan Full HPRB Comments

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Dear McMillan Friends,

The Vision McMillan Partners team returned to the Historic Preservation Review Board yesterday to hear their full comments on the architectural plans that were presented on June 27th.  As you know, at that meeting we heard a few comments but were cut short because of time constraints.

At today’s meeting the Board decided to accept our Master Plan and Design Guidelines, with  Gretchen Pfaeler, the Board Chair stating that the Master Plan provided the appropriate framework for development of the site.

The Board asked for us to come back with revised buidling concepts, with all of the comments stating that the buildings need to be more unified in terms of architecture, and with some specifics about amplifying the historic aspects of the site.

In her summation of the comments the Chair noted:

·      The design of the park and community center provides the organic look and feel that the board is seeking with regard to the site;
·      There needs to be a plan for better integrating Cell 14 into the office buildings on the north court (although she recognized the difficulty of such with DC Water’s projected occupancy until 2022);
·      The architectural plan needs a unifying hand that brings together the adjectives and characteristics of the site.

We are excited to keep moving forward with our design plans on the site, and will come back to HPRB in the fall with a plan that addresses their concerns.  We will be sharing more with you as the plans progress.

Tania Jackson
Neighborhood Outreach Coordinator
Envision McMillan

1 comment:

  1. about building the same rowhouses that you did at Chancellors Row?

    then try using bricks instead of cement for the structures around the towers.

    Finally, use some clay tile roofing on the structures like Tivoli theatre.

    Take that green thing off the top of the community center. (put it somewhere else).

    Offices: Use a factory loft look/feel instead of k street style steel and glass.

    all walkways in pebbles and not the mall.

    put some trees in configurations other than straight lines.

    get rid of the road in the south corridor and turn it into a farmers market....make it in pebbles too.

    then make everything smaller. Done. Was that so hard?
