
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

request for community mitigation ideas for First Street Tunnel project

See this 07-24-2013 message: 
My name is Victoria Leonard and I live on the 2200 block of Flagler Place NW, and am one of the neighbors who will be affected by the construction of one of the First Street Tunnel diversion shafts. The contractor selected by DC Water for the First Street Tunnel project will be required to undertake community mitigation strategies to minimize the impact of construction on neighbors.
I want to compile a list of such strategies to present to the contractor selected. If you have any ideas, please send them to me at I will share the ideas I collect.

1 comment:

  1. s this related to the water problems in some of the houses? My water pressure, in particular, the toilets are VERY low, who do I contact for this? Or is it a personal plumber? please help.
