
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Pepco's work in Bloomingdale

See this message from Pepco:
From: Brett Holland / Pepco Holdings
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 10:36 PM
Subject: Re: Pepco's work in Bloomingdale
Pepco crews and engineers will be working until repairs are complete in the Bloomingdale area. The extended heat wave and increased load have added stress to thesystem. We understand the frustration customers have with multiple outages and we do have a plan in place to fix the issues.
  • We are using thermal technology to findhot spots that can indicate problems with equipment. We are expediting this process and expect to wrap up those inspections thisweek.
  • We are also identifying peak overloaded transformers and looking to either replace or upgrade equipment.
  • In addition, we have plans to treat cables using silicon injection technology which has been proven to reduce outages.
I should mention that some of this workmay require permits as streets have to be excavated.

Brett Holland

Pepco Holdings, Inc.


  1. Is this related to the water problems in some of the houses? My water pressure, in particular, the toilets are VERY low, who do I contact for this? Or is it a personal plumber? please help.

  2. Pepco is definitely out in the neighborhood surveying this morning. They were in the alley of the unit block of Bryant Street and (taking a break) at First and Randolph. There was also a crew at First and Rhode Island, but that may have been more than surveying since it was where they were working last night.

    One member of the crew said they were given the assignment yesterday and were told it needed to be completed by Friday.
