
Friday, October 25, 2013

Ward 5 Report (dated 10-26-2013)

From: "Mandel, Jon (Council)" jmandel@DCCOUNCIL.US
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2013 4:27 PM
Subject: The Ward 5 Report: Office of Councilmember Kenyan R. McDuffie

The Ward 5 Report: Office of Councilmember Kenyan R. McDuffie
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The Ward 5 Report
Office of Councilmember Kenyan R. McDuffie
October 25, 2013
Ward 5 Highlights
In recognition of Domestic Violence Awareness Month
 Councilmember McDuffie and staff wear purple in observation of Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Every October, Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM) is observed to bring to light an issue important to our community. DVAM is an opportunity for domestic violence organizations to connect with the community through meaningful outreach and awareness-raising events.
This year the DC Coalition Against Domestic Violence and 11 member programs are bringing back the Spread Love DC Campaign. One in four women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime. Young people between the ages of 16-24 experience domestic violence at the highest rates. The Metropolitan Police Department receives a domestic violence related call every 17 minutes. This is the reality in our city and the truth we are faced with every day. We know that domestic violence can be prevented. There are generations of people who never have to feel its effects, which is why this DVAM we are returning to LOVE - spreading it, teaching it, living it - so that no one in our community ever has to feel unsafe in their home again.
For more information about local domestic violence programs around the city, please visit
Councilmember McDuffie meets with Washington Teachers’ Union President, Elizabeth “Liz Davis”
On Friday, October 25, Councilmember McDuffie met with Washington Teachers’ Union (WTU) Local 6’s newly elected President, Elizabeth “Liz” Davis. The purpose of the meeting was to formally make introductions with the head of Local 6, which represents more than 5,000 active and retired teachers in Washington D.C. Councilmember McDuffie congratulated and welcomed President Davis and looks forward to working with Local 6 in the coming year.
Legislative Updates
Mark your calendar! On Wednesday, November 6, at 10:00AM in Room 500 of the John A. Wilson Building, the Council’s Committee on Finance and Revenue will hold a hearing on Councilmember McDuffie’s Bill 20-369, the “Truth in Affordability Reporting Act of 2013.” The bill is designed to improve how the District measures the affordability of housing units. For additional details, please visit Councilmember McDuffie’s website.  
The Committee on Finance and Revenue invites the public to testify at the hearing. Those who wish to testify should contact Sarina Loy, Committee Assistant at (202) 724-8058 or, and provide your name, organizational affiliation (if any), and title with the organization by 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, November 5, 2013. Witnesses should bring 15 copies of their written testimony to the hearing. The Committee allows individuals 3 minutes to provide oral testimony in order to permit each witness an opportunity to be heard. Additional written statements are encouraged and will be made part of the official record. Written statements may be submitted by e-mail to or mailed to: Council of the District of Columbia; 1350 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.; Suite 114; Washington D.C. 20004.
Committee Updates 
This Week’s Committee on Government Operations Hearings & Markups
This week, the Committee on Government Operations held a markup of five bills, four of which were introduced by Councilmember McDuffie.
  •          B20-0076, the “Campaign Finance Reform and Transparency Amendment Act of 2013” 
  •          B20-0116, the “Board of Ethics and Government Accountability Amendment Act of 2013”
  •          B20-0117, the “Prohibition on Government Employee Engagement in Political Activity Amendment Act of 2013”
  •          B20-0235, the “Funeral and Memorial Service Leave Amendment Act of 2013”
  •          PR20-0493, the “Office of Employee Appeals Vera Abbott Confirmation Resolution of 2013”
The Campaign Finance Reform and Transparency Amendment Act of 2013 proposes significant reforms to the District’s campaign finance laws. Following four hearings on bills referred to the Committee on Government Operations, the “Campaign Finance Reform and Transparency Amendment Act of 2013” incorporates a variety of proposals from those bills in addition to innovative practices in use across the country. Among the proposals advanced by the bill is the closure the of the LLC loophole, a requirement of campaign finance training for candidates and treasurers, greater oversight of lobbyists through disclosure of bundled campaign contributions, restrictions on money order donations, and several provisions that will provide the public with better access to more detailed campaign finance data. For more information on the “Campaign Finance Reform and Transparency Amendment Act of 2013,” please visit Councilmember McDuffie’s website.
B20-0116, the “Board of Ethics and Government Accountability Amendment Act of 2013,” provides the Board of Ethics and Government Accountability with the authority to issue advisory opinions on the initiative of the Director of Government Ethics, and expands the range of penalties that may be imposed for a violation of the District’s Code of Conduct.
B20-0117, the “Prohibition on Government Employee Engagement in Political Activity Amendment Act of 2013,” harmonizes the District’s local Hatch Act with federal law. The bill clarifies the role District government employees can take in elections and political campaigns.
B20-0235, the “Funeral and Memorial Service Leave Amendment Act of 2013” allows District employees to take 3 days of paid leave upon the death of an immediate relative, and expands the definition of an “immediate relative” to accommodate modern family structures.
Earlier in the week, the Committee on Government Operations and the Committee on Finance Revenue convened a joint public hearing on B20-0387, the “Electric Company Infrastructure Improvement Financing Act of 2013,” also known as the “Undergrounding Bill.” Additionally, the Committee on Government Operations convened a public hearing on B20-505 the “Critical Infrastructure Freedom of Information Amendment Act of 2013.”
The purpose of B20-387, the “Electric Company Infrastructure Improvement Financing Act of 2013,” is to provide the legislative framework to implement and fund the undergrounding of several electric feeder lines in the District. The Committee received testimony from many witnesses, and will now consider suggested amendments to the bill. Of concern for Councilmember McDuffie is ensuring that residents benefit from significant gains in reliability from the proposed nearly $1 billion dollar investment. Moreover, Councilmember McDuffie will be seeking ways to ensure that District residents and businesses receive priority consideration for job and contracting opportunities generated by the proposed scope of work.
The purpose of B20-505 the “Critical Infrastructure Freedom of Information Amendment Act of 2013,” is to amend the District’s Administrative Procedure Act to protect certain critical infrastructure information. This measure would allow the Public Service Commission to receive more information from parties including electric companies and Regional Transmission Organizations when it is considering, amongst other things, rate cases. The Committee received testimony from the Public Service Commission, the Office of Open Government, and the Open Government Coalition. The Committee will prepare this legislation to be marked up on a date in the near future.
If you wish to submit testimony for either of these bills, the record will remain open until November 5, 2013 and you may submit it directly to Ronan Gulstone, via e-mail at
Upcoming Committee on Government Operations Public Hearings
On Tuesday, October 29 at 10 a.m. the Committee on Government Operations, the Committee on Finance and Revenue, and the Committee on Economic Development will convene a joint public hearing on Bill 20-382, the Skyland Town Center Omnibus Act of 2013, which would reauthorize the Tax Increment Financing subsidy and approve the surplus declaration and disposition of the Skyland shopping Center and adjacent properties.
This public hearing will be held in Room 500 of the John A. Wilson Building, 1350 Pennsylvania Ave, NW. The Committee invites the public to testify or to submit written testimony, which will be made a part of the official record. Anyone wishing to testify at the hearing should contact Rob Hawkins, Legislative Director to the Committee on Economic Development, at (202) 724-8052, or
DCTV Celebrates 25th Anniversary with Illumination Celebration
The Public Access Corporation of DC (DCTV) marks its 25th anniversary with an Illumination Celebration hosted by DCTV Board Chair Kojo Nnamdi, featuring an afternoon of live music, popular food trucks and an awards ceremony and VIP reception for influential D.C. residents.
The anniversary kickoff will occur on Saturday, October 26th from 3pm-7pm at the Brooks Mansion near the Brookland-CUA metro stop. The event is free and open to the public and media.
For more information, please visit
Ward 5 School Fair
The Ward Five Council on Education is hosting the Ward 5 School Fair on Saturday, November 16th from 10 a.m. until 12 p.m. at Dunbar Senior High School, 101 N St NW. 
The intent of this effort is to highlight all of our Ward 5 schools, both DCPS and charters!  This event is NOT just for parents to have the opportunity to explore the education options for their child, but also for community members to find out more about the education options in their neighborhood.
For any questions, please feel free to reach out to W5COE via email, or by phone at 202-505-4309. For more information about the Ward Five Council on Education, please visit
Monroe Street Market Art in The Mix
On Saturday, October 26, Monroe Street Market is hosting Art in the Mix, an arts festival featuring live music, food trucks, family activities and open studios. CulturalDC managed the selection and placement of the current group of artists who have activated the studios along the Arts Walk. Monroe Street Market is located at 716 Monroe Street NE. For more information on the festival visit

Metro weekend service adjustments October 25-27 due to rebuilding
Reconstruction of the Metrorail system will continue over the weekend of October 25-27 with service adjustments on the Orange Line only beginning at 10 p.m. Friday night and continuing through system closing on Sunday. 
Trains on the Red, Blue, Yellow and Green lines will operate at regular weekend intervals throughout the weekend. Orange Line service will be normal between Vienna and Cheverly; however, riders traveling to or from Landover or New Carrollton stations should add time on Saturday only (details below). 

On Sunday, Oct. 27, Metrorail will open two hours early for riders traveling to the annual
Marine Corps Marathon event at Pentagon Station.  To check normal station opening times, visit
Metro is investing $5.5 billion to install new rail, ties, platforms, escalators, signals, lighting, communication systems, and more. It represents the largest capital investment -- and work effort -- since the system's original construction in the early 1970s.
For schedules, real-time train arrivals and station information, visit
OSSE Scholars Summer Enrichment Program
OSSE Scholars provides high-achieving, academically motivated, students who exhibit financial need with the opportunity to attend selective summer college programs. As an OSSE Scholar, students attend top-tier universities across the country for rigorous summer courses. The program offers early exposure to college-level academics, navigating a college environment, and, at certain universities, earning college credit.
If you are a student with a GPA of 3.0 or higher who demonstrates leadership skills inside and outside of the classroom, this may be the perfect opportunity for you to jumpstart your college experience.
For more information about the program and how to become an OSSE scholar, please visit  
Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments hosts “Securing Affordable Homeownership for the Long Term: A Workshop on Shared Equity in the Washington Region”
On Thursday, October 31, the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments is hosting a workshop entitled, “Securing Affordable Homeownership for the Long Term.” The purpose of the workshop is to give an overview of homeownership programs in the Washington metropolitan region and introduce the basic principles of how a shared equity homeownership program works at the jurisdictional level.
For more information, please visit
Ward 5 Events
Councilmember McDuffie, or a member of his staff, will attend the following events (please note, a 5th week is rare in the calendar year): 
Tuesday, October 29– The Brookland Middle School SIT Meeting will take place at the Turkey Thicket Recreation Center, located at 1100 Michigan Avenue, NE beginning at 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, October 30 – Advisory Neighborhood Commission 5B's monthly meeting will take place at ANC 5B’s Office, located at 1322 Irving Street, NE, beginning at 6:30 p.m.

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