
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Emanuel Briggs of DC Water: newly expanded Backwater Valve Rebate Program -- "up to $6,000"

See this DC Water message from last night:

Subject: Re: Bloomingdale/LeDroit Park Community Update
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 00:41:50 +0000

Bloomingdale/LeDroit Park Residents:

DC Water is happy to announce our newly expanded Backwater Valve Rebate Program wherein eligible property owners who have not previously installed a backwater valve inside their home may now do so for a reimbursement amount of up to $6,000. Other property owners who have previously installed this device inside their home as part of our existing program and already received a rebate could be eligible for additional reimbursement which would automatically be mailed.

Similar to our existing program initiated in 2012, eligible property owners have already been identified and letters explaining the program are currently being mailed to them. For those property owners who have already received reimbursement under the existing program, additional rebate checks are also being mailed, so there is no need for any additional application procedures. Property owners who do not receive a program letter and want to know if their property is eligible may contact me directly at (202) 787-2003 or You may also contact me with any other questions pertaining to the Backwater Valve Rebate Program.

For more information on the expanded program, please see today’s Press Release at This and other new information will soon be available on our Bloomingdale/LeDroit Park community web page, so please stay tuned.

Thank you.

Emanuel D. Briggs | Manager, Community Outreach, External Affairs | District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority |
5000 Overlook Avenue, SW | Washington, DC 20032 | (202) 787-2003 | (202) 787-4122 (fax)
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