
Saturday, February 01, 2014

DPW recycling collection should get caught up today

Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 08:45:02 -0500
Subject: RE: DC Snow Team To Deploy Sat. Jan. 25

Once we have caught up with trash and recycling collection (hopefully by Saturday), anytime you experience issues with partial collection or problems with trash being strewn about the alley, please call me directly: 673-6833.  As for the current back log, we’ve had 3 ice/snow events, the holiday… *and* we have been way understaffed because of the flu making its way through our crews.   The crews that we do have work well into the evening each day in an effort to collect as much as possible.  While we have given trash collection priority over recycling collection because of the obvious health/safety risks, we will be working all day on Saturday to try catch up on recycling.  We apologize for the prolonged inconvenience… and again, I’m sorry for my lack of response.  We’ve all been a little overwhelmed.


Kevin B. Twine
Staff Assistant
Office Of The Director
Department of Public Works
2000 14th Street, NW
6th Floor
Washington, DC 20009
Phone: 202-671-2593
DPW Main: 202-673-6833
Fax: 202-671-0642

Sent: Friday, January 24, 2014 8:00 PM
To: Twine, Kevin (DPW)
Cc: Scott Roberts
Subject: Re: DC Snow Team To Deploy Sat. Jan. 25

Hi Mr. Twine, 

I've seen your emails to LeDroit Park, and I'm hoping you can help me. 

I live on the 100 block of T St. NW, and our trash is picked up in the alley behind our house (the alley between the 100 block of T St. NW and Thomas St. NW). 

Most urgently, our recycling collection has not been collected for the last two weeks. Last week, it wasn't collected for any reason I'm aware of, except that our neighbor sometimes puts their bin in front of ours, and that often means the collectors "miss" our bin that is directly behind our neighbor's. Why they ignore one bin behind another is, well, confusing. 

This week, no recycle was picked up at all, presumably due to the "weather," although the garbage collection somehow made it through. Besides visiting the dump, what can we do?

Of less concern, but still relevant, the garbage collectors in our alley also often "miss" our trash bin if it is behind another trash bin, which again seems surprising. Are they allowed to ignore trash bins that are behind others? 

Two other concerns: (1) trash collectors they often only unload half of our bin, leaving the trash on the bottom to rot; and (2) they routinely and carelessly leave trash all over the alley - I have watched often, and this is because they just dump the not-totally-empty bins in the alley, leaving trash everywhere that attracts vermin. If you'd like a picture of this week's detritus, I'll gladly send one. 

Please help! I've tried to talk to the workers, and repeatedly reported this via SeeClickFix, but have had no success. 

Thank you, 

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