
Monday, April 28, 2014

McMillan TIS update: Gorove | Slade has changed its recommendation - now the recommendation is to retain the all-way stop at 1st & Channing St NW

Subject: FW: McM | First & Channing Stop
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2014 10:02:33 -0400


FYI...see below. Gorove Slade changed their recommendation to maintain the three-way stop at First and channing.

Anne L. Corbett
Project Director
EYA | JAIR LYNCH Development Partners | Trammell Crow Company
202.494.7523 | | @VisionMcMillan

-----Original Message-----
> From: Robert B. Schiesel [] 
> Sent: Friday, April 25, 2014 5:00 PM
> To: Anne Corbett; Daniel B. VanPelt
> Subject: RE: McM | First & Channing Stop

> Anne, 

> Our supplemental memo to DDOT officially changed our recommendation to the
> First/Channing intersection. Did this information get shared with the
> community? That should address these concerns. I've re-attached so you can
> forward - the change is noted on page 3. At minimum the TIS Supplement needs
> to be submitted to the Zoning Hearing (and thus made a public document)
> since DDOT referenced it in their staff report. 

> -Rob

> Robert B. Schiesel, PE
> Project Manager
> Gorove/Slade Associates, Inc.
> direct: 202-540-1926  |  main: 202-296-8625

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joe Levesque []
> Sent: Friday, April 25, 2014 4:39 PM
> To: Anne Corbett; Daniel B. VanPelt; Robert B. Schiesel
> Cc: Dianne Barnes anc;
> Subject: Re: McM | First & Channing Stop

> Dear Daniel and Robert and Anne,

> The loss of the all way stop sign at First and Channing ST NW is a troubling
> safety issue at McMillan.

> This matter was twice brought to up at the transportation meeting between
> Gorove/slade, VMP and neighborhood residents.

> In addition, traffic issues were the top priority for the Bloomingdale
> community benefits agreement.

> My understanding was that these traffic meetings were to flush out concerns
> residents had about McMillan and have VMP act on these concerns.

> The stop sign issue was discussed and was noted on a flip chart as a
> priority concern of the community. I am not aware of any correspondence or
> communication with Gorove/slade or VMP following this meeting to notify
> residents that the traffic report would not be "tweaked" to address this
> safety problem. Addressing community concerns was the purpose of these
> meetings.

> The removal of the all way stop sign will certainly create a safety risk and
> endanger peoples lives for the following reasons:

> 1) The pedestrian cross walks across First St will be removed at one of the
> four corners of the development. This intersection is where pedestrians and
> bikers on the west side of First St would want to cross First St to enter
> the park at the SW corner. Vehicles traveling north/south on First St would
> not be required to stop at that intersection, as they currently are required
> to. This will endanger the lives of both pedestrians, especially children,
> and bikers.

> Keeping the all way stop sign is critical at this intersection to ensure
> that children as well as adults can safely access the park at the south end
> of McMillan.

> 2) Vehicular traffic headed westbound on Channing St would not see traffic
> on First St for two reasons:
> a)There is a hill and parked cars on the south side of the intersection.
> Drivers would not be able to see these approaching vehicles, which would
> make entering First St dangerous and extremely difficult.
> b) There is a 15 foot sloping earthen berm on the north side of Channing St,
> and vehicles parked on First St would make it nearly impossible to see
> vehicles traveling southbound on First St.

> Safety is the primary concern at this intersection and removing the stop
> signs on First St will certainly imperil the safely of drivers, bicyclists
> and pedestrians.

> I ask you to make the necessary changes to the traffic study to keep the
> current all way stop at First St and Channing for the sole purpose of making
> this a safe intersection for all concerned.

> Thank You

> Joe Levesque

> On 4/24/2014 1:18 PM, Anne Corbett wrote:
> > Gorove Slade,
> >
> > Here's a community comment on the preferred maintenance of the 3-way 
> > stop at First and Channing and my response, for your record.
> >
> > Anne L. Corbett
> >
> > Project Director
> >
> >
> > *EYA | JAIR LYNCH Development Partners | Trammell Crow Company*
> >
> > 202.494.7523 | 
> > | @VisionMcMillan
> >
> > *From:*Anne Corbett []
> > *Sent:* Thursday, April 24, 2014 1:13 PM
> > *To:* ''
> > *Cc:* 'mark mueller'; ''
> > *Subject:* RE: questions
> >
> > I will relay your feedback about the intersection of First and 
> > Channing to Gorove Slade whom I believe has already relayed such to 
> > DDOT though I could find no comment about it in the DDOT report issued
> April 21,2014.
> > (attached here) VMP is open to responding the consensus request for 
> > this intersection. It's a matter of choosing efficiency in vehicular 
> > movement vs pedestrian safety. I would encourage you to voice this 
> > preference to DDOT directly.
> >
> > Anne L. Corbett
> >
> > Project Director
> >
> >
> > EYA | JAIR LYNCH Development Partners | Trammell Crow Company
> >
> > 202.494.7523 | 
> > | @VisionMcMillan
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Joe Levesque []
> > Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2014 10:50 AM
> > To: anne corbert VMP
> > Cc: mark mueller; Joe Levesque
> > Subject: questions
> >
> > Anne,
> >
> > I have a few question about McMillan.
> >
> > Could you tell me where the height of the medical buildings, 
> > particularly the one on the west side of the north service court near 
> > First St will be measured.( there are several levels, the west side of 
> > the service court, Michigan Ave west and east side of development, 
> > First St. All these locations are at different elevations.
> >
> > _____________________
> >
> > One of the bike share racks is in the middle of the south service 
> > court nested between two silos.
> >
> > Is there an alternate location this bike station could be installed so 
> > that it is not in a park or in the middle of the silos?
> >
> > __________________________
> >
> > The Slade/Grove traffic study proposed removing the current traffic 
> > stop sign at First and Channing St and replacing it with a one way 
> > stop on Channing St heading westbound.
> >
> > Traffic on First St was a top priority in Bloomingdale's CBA.
> >
> > I, along with several other residents, do not want VMP to remove the 
> > all way stop sign because it would have several detrimental 
> > consequences, such as:
> >
> > Two of the three pedestrian cross walks would be removed.
> >
> > The southbound vehicular traffic would not stop before it enters 
> > Bloomingdale, and there is a steep downhill slope just south of Channing.
> >
> > Additionally, it would be difficult and dangerous for westbound 
> > Channing St traffic to turn onto First St because First St traffic 
> > would no longer stop at that intersection.
> >
> > The lack of a stop sign on First street will certainly speed up 
> > traffic speeds near that intersection. Years ago, when Vicky Leonard 
> > was our ANC Commissioner, she worked to slow down the First Street 
> > traffic by having stop signs installed at all the open intersections. 
> > Currently, every intersection has a stop sign or traffic light. 
> > Removing this stop sign is moving in the wrong direction.
> >
> > Has Slade tweaked the traffic study to keep the existing 3 way stop 
> > sign at First and Channing?
> >
> > I look forward to the answers.
> >
> > Joe Levesque

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