
Monday, April 28, 2014

McMillan: subcontractor reports and financial information

Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2014 06:37:10 -0400
Subject: McMillan -- Subcontractor Reports and Financial Information

Please let folks know that I've posted a breakdown of District payments to subcontractors associated with McMillan via Vision McMillan Partners, LLC. 
Following the Fontaine & Company discussion a few months back, I put in a FOIA request for subcontractor invoices. While I'm not privvy to actual invoice information, DMPED did provide the draw amounts of each subcontractor against the larger contract with the District. 

I pulled this information into a spreadsheet for easy viewing.

Keep in mind, this does not factor in FY14, for which invoices were not provided. Instead, I also posted a series of change orders issued on the contract. Most of these are in FY14 and show where additional city funds are going (although not as specific as the invoices). Some are new information, some are not. For example, change order #26 states that VMP requested $34,750 from the city to pay for the 3-minute video that is on its website and has been shown numerous times at civic association meetings.

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