
Monday, April 28, 2014

Vision McMillan Partners encourages people to show up and state support at the upcoming McMillan zoning hearings

I did not receive this message via an Email.  I have copied this message from the EnvisionMcMillan website.

One week away…


This is it.  The time to show up and state your support is now.

The Zoning Commission hearings for McMillan are only one week away. The first will be next Thursday, May 1st, with subsequent hearings May 5th, 8th and 13th.  Fenced off and closed to the public since the 1940′s, the approval of VMP’s master plan by the zoning commission is a pivotal step in transforming the 25-acre McMillan site into a neighborhood asset, sustainably integrated into the surrounding community
The final master plan for McMillan has been a long time in the making.  Through a collaborative engagement process starting in the fall of 2007, the plan has evolved significantly to become a master plan built on community consensus.  Buildings now cover only a third of the site.  Nearly half of the total site area is reserved for large public open spaces, including an 8-acre park, which will be one of the best-designed public spaces in the District.  A 17,000 SF public community center provide recreation and fitness opportunities for all, as well as a 25 meter indoor swimming pool.  All historic buildings on the site will be preserved, with some adapted for new uses – small business incubators, outdoor cafes, water features, art displays, hanging gardens and more.
The master plan will provide much needed neighborhood serving retail, including a 50,000 SF full-service grocery store.  The new McMillan provides housing opportunities for all, with at least 20% of total housing units affordable to families making up to 80% AMI.  In addition to the the built elements, redevelopment of McMillan will result in $1.2 billion in new tax revenue over the next 30 years, while generating 3,200 permanent jobs and 3,000 new construction jobs.
In order for all of these things to come to fruition, we need you to engage now.  It is critical to let the Zoning Commission know how you feel about the project both before and at the hearings.   Please submit a letter of support to the commission and then commit to attending a hearing in support of VMP’s master plan for McMillan.
- See more at:

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