
Friday, August 22, 2014

Bloomingdale Farmers Market Sunday HUGE tomato sale continues 1 more week

Subject: BFM Sunday HUGE Tomato Sale Continues 1 more week
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 00:38:03 -0400

Hi BFM Fans,

Huge Tomato Sale --  reserve at  write BFM on the subject line.  25 pound box of great seconds/ $15.

This time of year, I am all about the tomatoes,--every day, every meal, every combination: gazpacho, sauces, soups, roasted, sandwiches, stuffed, sliced, boozy, smoked, sweet and sour on toast, salsified with peaches and canned, sweet cherry tomatoes on toothpicks in a crackle of caramel and a bit of basil.  Tomato donuts with a basil glaze.  Check out our facebook page for more:  WaPos's Top Tomato contest was a real inspiration.

*Garner: *Tomato Sale: box of 25 pounds of good seconds/$15.  Reserve at
*Grapes at Reid

REID: Connor's got the peaches and the nectarines,the grapes, the plums, the blackberries, blueberries and the ever growing selection of apples-- add Tsugaru to the list of Zestar, Ginger Gold, Sansa and Mollie's delicious.  Tomatoes too.

IVY BRAND: is taking advantage of the cooler weather we have had with salad mix and head lettuce. The Fall squash have started as well: acorn, delicata and spaghetti. Kale, tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, summer squash, sweet peppers, hot peppers, potatoes, fingerling potatoes, carrots, and beets.

TRUCK PATCH has a lovely mix of summer squash, lovingly selected heirloom tomatoes, arugula, salad mix, chard, kale, spinach. Incredibly long Armenian cukes, squash blossoms, pesto ready basil, beets, and all the pastured pork (in chops, steaks, roasts, sausages,) you can imagine plus free range chicken.

GARNER: Bernard tomato fields are thriving, “ordinary reds’, romas, beefsteak, “early girls and heirlooms-- and cherry toms. Baby Limas (American edamame) are great quick boiled and seasoned with olive oil and salt and lemon.  Black eyed peas cook up quickly when they are so fresh and make a good salad with grilled anything. Japanese, white, Italian and Thai eggplant; Squash: Patty pan. Yellow. Zucchini, Ishtar, that pale green Lebanese variety,eight ball, golden zucchini. Sweet Corn, okra, potatoes, peppers sweet and hot, green and yellow and Roma beans. Melons: sun, cantaloupes and seedless  watermelons in red and yellow. Swiss chard and arugula.  Mint, dill and parsley.

PANORAMA: French bread baked by French bakers – baguettes, croissants, palmiers, Danish, scones, Breton specialties. Whole wheat, rye, pumpernickel, rustiques, country, sour dough – boules and sandwich breads too. Rolls and buns.

NUMBER 1 SONS: A huge selection of DC’s best traditional New York pickles, Korean kimchi and a variety of krauts from Central American curtidos to classic German sauerkrauts.  Fermented and fabulous. My fridge is always full of their flavors.  This week I have both half sours and kicky kosher picklels, rosetido kraut and classic kimchi.

WHISKED: Who can resist Jenna’s pies? Sweet or savory. Jenna says: We're bringing back another great summer pie this week - our blackberry nectarine pie (yes, we love combining berries and stone fruit). This was a favorite at the stand last summer and we're happy to bring it back at the height of the stone fruit season. Also Classic Peach with Crumble Topping, Sea Salt Chocolate Chess (a cult favorite) is a cross between a brownie and a flourless chocolate cake. Corn, Tomato Basil Savory Quiche and Bacon, Cheddar and Onion. And all those cookies!

KESWICK Creamery:  DC Beer Week and Keswick Cheese-- made in Heaven.  Just ask Cheesemaker Mark, a great beer aficionado who will tell you what to match with which  beer.  Keswick has SO many new cheese this season;  mixed milk melanges include; a camembert, a burrata/mozzarella, a Valancay, a Provence miraflores dusted with thyme, a Morbier bathed in a linen brine with ash in-between.  Plus the the oldie goodies: Lesher, Vermeer, Wallaby, Dragonsbreath, Blue Suede Moo, the Tommes, the flavored Fetas, Quark, that ricotta and my all time favorite yogurt.  I currently have a chicken bathing in a cup and a half of their yogurt seasoned with cumin, gram masala, lemon and turmeric-- about to  become butter chicken.

Bike Clinic FREE as always at 11, thanks to our friends at The Bike House
Music at 10.

See you Sunday!

Teds, Robin and Stephanie

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