
Monday, December 22, 2014

Daniel Wolkoff: "Revenue from park, DC government subversion of community rights"

Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 07:27:25 +0000
Subject: Fw: Revenue from parks, Dc govt. subversion of community rights!

                                    Pope Francis
"we have created new idols. The worship of the ancient Golden Calf
has returned in a new ruthless guise in the idolatry of money and
the dictatorship of an impersonal economy lacking a truly human purpose"
Daniel Goldon Wolkoff
McMillan Coalition for Sustainable Agriculture
1231 Randolph Street, NE
Washington, DC 20017
Tel: 202-232-8391
Was the Pope talking about our City Council, and our Mayor Jeffrey Thompson and Visionless McMillan Partners? No, but......
The "astroturf" fake grassroots campaign to "create the impression of community support for the developers", has worked very well. The Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development has gotten alot for his $28,000 fee to the Baltimore PR firm. The District  City Council has approved the "surplus and land disposal" of a $billion project to his former employers at Trammel Crow.
Not bad for $28,000 on us.
The "talking points" that Fontaine and VMP have loaded on our community are working well and Muriel Bowser and Kenyan McDuffie, our representatives charged with oversight, do not care at all.

Parks are development, and they produce revenue. How much annual revenue does Wolf Trap produce for National Park Service, and The Wolf Trap Foundation? We need a Wolf Trap concert stage at McMillan,, with awesome architecture(unlike the hideous designs of VMP). We need skating rinks, that convert to roller skating in the summer, a Glen Echo historic restoration with 365 days a year of classes, performance, music, art, dance. Sustainable agrricullture for food /nutrition security.
As we literally watch the water and sewer infrastructure disintegrate, we need the Sand Filtration Plant preserved for clean water security. The Mayor and City Council are bypassing every legal protection to demolish the site, and prepare it for mega-development, at taxpayer expense. The district is obligated to finance over $70 million in site preparation/mitigation, an unknown amount!
We desperately need a place to train young people and the under-employed in building trades, as they restore our park/historic site.This Civilian Conservation Corp will spin-off into a rehab and renovation service for senior home owners, to help them keep up, insulate and upgrade the condition of their homes. 
We need outdoor activity, to keep us healthy, not Visionless McMillan Partners medical offices, we want to keep you out of the doctors office, not over build the last open green space for medical offices.
So the talking point is that DC needs revenue,, sure like the $25 million our government officials have wasted on fencing us out for 27 years and paid Spectrum Maintenance, $250,000 a year on some questionable contract for maintenance.
Friend's Google "Central Park revenue", remember the "Great Meadow", Delacorte Theatre, Wolman Ice Skating rink with summer concerts? Something wonderful about large open spaces in the city but  Washington's "leadership" only care about developers profits!
In NY, revenue from 21 hot dog vendors in Central Park will total $60 million in 30 years, no bonds, no demolition, no construction, no paving, no 3000 parking spaces, just grass, and trees.
One hot dog vendor in NY's Central Park, operates a pushcart at the entrance to the Central Park zoo, and pays $289,000 in fees to the city of NY. The top 20 vendors pay over $100,000 a year to NYC to operate their pushcarts and sell food in parks. That is $2.3 million a year from 21 food cart vendors, but DMPED, Mayor (still un-indicted, but offered a plea deal!) Gray, Miss Bowser, Kenyan McDuffie and the Visionless McMillan Partners "know better".  Only in DC,  parks are barren empty useless burdens on the city govt., everywhere else parks are "development".
Anyone know the annual revenue from the Glen Echo Consortium? How much business is done at the various concessions and bistro in Bryant Park in NY?
McMillan wasn't a park, according to the "talking points" of a  DMPED funded disinformation campaign from Baltimore PR firm Jamie Fontaine. Our tax dollars used to "neutralize opposition", and this is legal and from a city with Ethics reform by Muriel Bowser!
The lobbyists for Trammel Crow, Carmen Group were paid something like $250,000 in two years for lobbying 5 City Council members, one appointment each with only 5 City Council Members, Cheh, Grosso, Bowser, Barry, Alexander,,, for a quarter million of our tax dollars. If the lobbyists use the telephone or send a fax, DC taxpayers  are charged a $454.00 clerical fee!!! Ever  wonder what your taxes are being used for?
If the City Government hires VMP as consultants, they can't be spending any money on "astroturf" slime campaigns to subvert our voices, or high end lobbyists at $50,000 per council member.
Institutional corruption needs to be prosecuted by the citizens, just like the Federal Prosecutor who made the plea deal offer with Gray.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting photo to accompany my article about Central Park, and why we must save McMillan from corruption by dictators in the City Council. Jamie Fontaine 'astroturf PR slime campaign, and Carmen Groups $120,000 lobbying appointments with Bowser, Barry, Cheh, Alexander, and Grosso for Trammell Crow, with our tax dollars. Looks like a photo of DC water turning McMillan the Clean Water Filtration site into a sewer. The same project that most likely caused the gasoline contamination of the water supply, probably!
