
Monday, December 22, 2014

stopping pop-ups campaign

I have been asked to place this "Stop the Pop" message here at the blog.

From: "Tracy Hart, 

The “Stop the Pop” signs have arrived!

You can buy one (or more) by coming by 4213 Sixteenth Street NW (between Upshur and Varnum).

If you want a sign, please email me first at

The signs are $10 each (cash only). Any money received after the cost of the signs is recouped will go to the 16th Street Neighborhood Association. 

I will have a “Stop the Pop” sign in the yard – hopefully easy to find. 

Tracy Hart
4213 Sixteenth Street, NW

Pop Goes the Rowhouse: A Photo Tour of 16 Bonkers Pop-Ups
Pop-ups are, well, popping up around D.C., often to the chagrin of neighbors and long time residents

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