
Thursday, December 04, 2014

from Jack On Fire: 3rd annual benefit show & potluck for World Missions toy drive - at 2407 North Capitol Street NE -- Saturday, 12-06-2014

Date: Wed, 3 Dec 2014 11:36:51 -0500
Subject: Benefit show and compilation!

Hey all -
A quick heads-up if you've not already heard via Facebook or Twitter. The third annual benefit show and potluck for the World Missions toy drive is this Saturday from 1-9 p.m. in the Spacelab-A (2407 North Capitol St. NE). 
Harness Flux, Insect Factory, the Plums, the Dirty Destroyer Orchestra, Abby Schaffer, Obetrol, and we will be playing.   Please bring a food item or beverages for the party and some money for the kids.
Also, Sounds Like Love Compilation #1 - featuring the Sweater Set, Incredible Change, Puff Pieces, and many more - is now available for any amount of money you'd like to give.   All of the proceeds also go to the toy drive.   Click on over, check it out, and chip in if you like it!

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