
Thursday, December 04, 2014

McMillan -- case filed for consideration with the DC Historic Preservation Office

Date: Wed, 3 Dec 2014 12:59:53 -0500
Subject: [HistoricWashington] HPO Monthly Public Notice; HPRB Meets December 18
Greetings:  This document is posted  on our website at Others related to the December 18 HPRB meeting will be added to the same page on December 12
December 2014

December 18, 2014

441 4th Street NW, Room 220 South, 9:00 a.m. 

The Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB) will meet Thursday, December 18, 2014 to consider permit and concept applications for work affecting historic properties. 
This notice is a list of cases that have been filed by the application deadline for review by the HPRB.  Applications and plans for each case are a matter of public record and may be reviewed during business hours at the Historic Preservation Office.  The agenda of cases for the HPRB meeting(s) will be drawn from this notice.  However, some cases filed for consideration may not be included on the Board’s agenda for this month’s public meetings.  A case may be deferred at the request of the affected Advisory Neighborhood Commission for insufficient information, if additional preparation is required, or at the discretion of the staff or HPRB.  Listing on this notice does not guarantee a hearing this month.
For inquiries or to provide comments on a specific case, please contact the staff person assigned to the case.  Information or comments on a case received by the Historic Preservation Office by 3 p.m. Wednesday, December 10 will be distributed to the HPRB members in an advance mailing; comments received by 3 p.m. Wednesday, December 17 will be forwarded electronically to the HPRB members. 
The agenda for the meetings will be emailed to all recipients of this public notice and posted on the Historic Preservation Office website at on Friday, December 12, 2014.  To receive a print copy of the staff report for a case on the agenda, please contact Bruce Yarnall at (202) 442-8835 or on or after December 12.

2-B         Hill Building, 839 17th (1636 I) Street NW, Case #11-06 (Williams)
2-B         Editors Building, 1729 H Street NW, Case #13-02 (Williams)


ANC       Historic Landmarks
2-F          Real Estate Trust Company, 1333-1343 H Street, NW, HPA 14-652, revised concept/alteration of non-contributing addition (Callcott)
5-E     McMillan Sand Filtration Site, 2501 1st Street, NW, HPA 15-090, concept/mixed use, multiple dwelling building with ground-level retail on north service corridor (Callcott)

Anacostia Historic District
8-A         1234 W Street SE, HPA 15-098, concept/construction of four-story school (Dennee)
8-A         1350 Valley Place SE, HPA 14-667, revised concept/new two-story frame house (Dennee)

Blagden Alley-Naylor Court
2-F          925 M Street NW, HPA 14-716, concept/new three-story brick rowhouse, two units (Meyer)

Capitol Hill Historic District
6-B         429 12th Street SE Rear, HPA 14-624, concept/second floor addition to one-story garage (McMillen/VanLandingham)
6-B         1013 E Street SE, HPA 14-720, concept/rear addition and new basement entrance (VanLandingham)
6-B         1015 E Street SE, HPA 14-721, concept/rear addition and new basement (VanLandingham)
6-B         213 11th Street SE, HPA 15-052, concept/addition to garage and trellis (VanLandingham; to be heard in January)
6-B         510 Independence Ave SE, HPA 15-095, concept/rear and roof addition (VanLandingham; to be heard in January)
6-B         761 10th Street SE, HPA 15-088, concept/rear addition (VanLandingham; to be heard in January)
6-C         610 A Street NE, 14-632, concept/rear addition (VanLandingham)
6-C         21 7th Street NE, HPA 15-152, concept/rear deck and siding (McMillen; to be heard in January)
6-C         710 A Street NE, HPA 15-089, concept/rear addition (VanLandingham)

Cleveland Park Historic District
3-C        3601 35th Street NW, HPA 15-070, concept/side addition and stairwell enclosure (McMillen)

Dupont Circle Historic District
2-B         1617 Riggs Place NW, HPA 14-723, concept/rear addition (Elliott)
2-B         1772 Church Street NW, HPA 14-530, alteration and 7-story addition for residential building; new construction of church  (Elliott, Callcott)
2-B         2127 N Street NW, HPA 15-096, rear carport and two roof decks (Elliott)
2-B         1734 R Street NW, HPA 15-059, concept/rear addition (Elliott; to be heard in January)
2-B         2138 O Street NW, HPA 15-167, 3rd floor addition and roof deck (Elliott; to be heard in January)

Fourteenth Street Historic District
2-F          1618 14th Street NW, HPA 15-064, demolition (Callcott)
2-F          1527 12th Street, NW, HPA 15-097, rear addition and areaway (Callcott)

Kalorama Triangle Historic District
1-C         1852 Biltmore Street NW, HPA 15-021, concept/rear addition (Brockett)

Mount Pleasant Historic District
1-D         3240 19th Street NW, HPA 15-102, concept/roof addition and roof deck (Dennee)
1-D         1815 Lamont Street NW, HPA 15-004, revised concept/three-story rear addition and roof decks (Dennee)
1-D         3428, 3430 and 3432 Oakwood Terrace NW, HPA #13-335, revised concept/construction of two flats (Dennee)
1-D         1620 Newton Street NW, HPA 14-451, design development of a two-story house (Dennee)

Mount Vernon Square Historic District
6-E          206 Morgan Street NW, HPA 14-544, concept/two-story brick rowhouse (Meyer)
6-E          448 Ridge Street NW, HPA 15-061, concept/four three-story rowhouses (Meyer)

Shaw Historic District
2-F          1428 9th Street NW, HPA 15-002, concept/addition, in-fill between house and carriage house (Meyer)
2-F          1320 10th Street NW, HPA 15-091, concept/addition, third floor on rear wing plus deck (Meyer)

Sheridan Kalorama Historic District
2-D         2134 Kalorama Road NW, HPA 15-056, concept/alterations and repairs, ADA ramp (Callcott)

Takoma Park Historic District
4-B         7220 Blair Road NW, HPA 14-719, concept/new garage construction (Brockett)

U Street Historic District
1-B         1812 9th Street NW, HPA 14-520, addition and new garage (Brockett)
1-B         2011 Vermont Avenue NW, HPA 15-019, concept/rear addition (Brockett)
1-B         941 S Street NW, HPA 15-154, rear addition and roof deck (Brockett)
1-B         1918 9th Street NW, HPA 15-067, new construction on 9th and 9½ streets (Brockett)
1-B         1826 12th Street NW, HPA 15-092, rear/side addition (Brockett)
1-B         1918 11th Street NW. HPA 15-168, 4-story rear addition, roof deck, façade alterations (Brockett)
2-B         1541 T Street NW, HPA 15-104, rear and roof decks (Brockett)
2-B         1432 Swann Street NW, HPA 15-093, roof addition (Brockett)
2-B         1826 15th Street NW, HPA 15-094, roof addition and new garage (Brockett)

Woodley Park Historic District
3-C         2616 Connecticut Avenue NE, HPA 14-533, replace stair enclosure, new trash enclosure, signage and exterior alterations (Brockett)
3-C         2721 Woodley Place NW, HPA 15-063, concept/raise roof level, extend rear deck (Brockett)
Anne Brockett
(202) 442-8842

Steve Callcott
(202) 741-5247

Tim Dennee
(202) 442-8847

Kim Elliott
(202) 442-8838

Patsy Fletcher
(202) 741-0816

Andrew Lewis
(202) 442-8841

David Maloney
(202) 442-8850

Frances McMillen
(202) 442-8839

Brendan Meyer
(202) 741-5248

Sarah VanLandingham
(202) 442-8827

Kim Williams
(202) 442-8840

To be included on the distribution list for this monthly public notice, please visit the Office of Planning website homepage at . On the bottom right of the page under the block for “”  is a screened envelope and a blue link titled “Subscribe” Please select this link and follow the directions to the page where you will scroll down and select “Office of Planning/Historic Preservation Office Notices.”

For additional information, see the HPO and HPRB website at
 ACCESSIBILITY SERVICES: Persons needing accessibility accommodations for preservation services and programs may contact Steve Callcott at the Office of Planning at (202) 442-8800 to request assistance.  Sign language interpretation is available for HPRB meetings with two weeks advance notice.

Bruce Yarnall
Operations and Grants Manager
DC Historic Preservation Office/Office of Planning
1100 4th Street SW  Suite E650
Washington, DC 20024
T – (202) 442-8835
F -  (202) 442-7638

1 comment:

  1. Historic preservation covenants placed by the Federal government, required any development on McMillan to follow the Secretary of Interior's preservation guidelines. Does anyone know how the DC government circumvented the historic preservation covenants they agreed to in 1987, on the purchase of McMillan.
    I know the new Asst. Deputy Mayor for Real Estate Martine Combal lied under oath to the Mayor's Agent when she said "GSA sold the land with the intention that it be developed for mixed use". The truth, Kenyan McDuffie told us, is that "the federal government offered DC the land for free, if they would maintain it as parkland".Which is it?
    This process has been based on lies and slime ball campaigns all along.The former Asst. for Real Estate, M. Jeffrey Miller lied to Chair of City Council committee, Bowser when he testified that his office did not pay for Jamie Fontaine, Baltimore PR firm campaign to "neutralize opposition" and "create the appearance of community support for the developers". His criminal act and perjury were then ignored by the new mayor, and was then promoted to Deputy Mayor for "Planning" and Economic Plundering..of course it is only in the corrupt Dc government perjury and slimeball PR campaigns gets you promoted, and not charged with crimes, or at least fired!
    But after all the biggest corrupt lying criminal of them all, Vince Gray,,, just declined to a plea bargain with Ron Machen the Federal Prosecutor , who has mysteriously kept his investigation off the corrupt mayor for 4 years...good connections no doubt to VMP, and the Growth Machine.
