
Thursday, December 04, 2014

concept application filed for one of the VMP buildings not previously reviewed

Date: Wed, 3 Dec 2014 18:49:23 -0500
Subject: Re: VMP Parcel 2 (Jair Lynch) on the HPRB agenda for 18 December -Kirby
From: Mat Bader
To: Kirby Vining
CC: A list of Email addresses


From a MAG perspective, the most glaring change for the Stage 2 portion that Jair presented was a reduction in affordable units from 25 to possibly only 20.  It's unclear what the final number will be.
This issue was already brought to the ANCs attention but I do not believe has been taken up with the MAG yet.


On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 5:33 PM, Kirby Vining <> wrote:

I just saw this HPRB notice today for Parcel 2 of VMP development…odd, because it’s exactly 15 days from today and I thought
that 30 days notice was required.

I asked Steve Callcott why the typical
30 days notice wasn’t given.  Here’s his response:
Jair Lynch filed a concept application for one of the buildings that was not previously reviewed.  Please keep in mind, what you have received is the notice of filed cases, not the agenda of the meeting.  I have no doubt we will receive requests for deferral so that the ANC can have the full 30 days to review, which would push it off until January.

This is, I think, the Jair Lynch buildings that Jair Lynch presented to the most
recent ANC meeting, the November 18 meeting.  I’ve attached the ANC
agenda, and notice that the Jair Lynch presentation is ‘information update,’
not listed as something that would be voted on, yet there was a vote.  Two
of the Bloomingdale ANCs, including BCA president Teri Janine, voted against
this, stating that this hadn’t been brought before the community and thus the
ANC shouldn’t be voting on it.  I agree, but the vote carried. There has been no
presentation of this to the SCA, BCA, or MAG, and the ANC knew that. I do not
have  a copy of the resolution that ANC 5E passed on this, but I was there for the vote.
Again, as has happened several times in the past year, the ANC did not abide by the
ANC 5E bylaws that require presentation of developments to the relevant community
groups before getting on the ANC agenda.  This was not merely informational, a vote
was taken, and there’s a difference. 
Here’s a link that showed up on Scott’s Bloomingdale blog about
the things that Jair Lynch will present:


December 2014

December 18, 2014
441 4th Street NW, Room 220 South, 9:00 a.m. 
The Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB) will meet Thursday, December 18, 2014 to consider permit and concept applications for work affecting historic properties. 
This notice is a list of cases that have been filed by the application deadline for review by the HPRB.  Applications and plans for each case are a matter of public record and may be reviewed during business hours at the Historic Preservation Office.  The agenda of cases for the HPRB meeting(s) will be drawn from this notice.  However, some cases filed for consideration may not be included on the Board’s agenda for this month’s public meetings.  A case may be deferred at the request of the affected Advisory Neighborhood Commission for insufficient information, if additional preparation is required, or at the discretion of the staff or HPRB.  Listing on this notice does not guarantee a hearing this month.
For inquiries or to provide comments on a specific case, please contact the staff person assigned to the case.  Information or comments on a case received by the Historic Preservation Office by 3 p.m. Wednesday, December 10 will be distributed to the HPRB members in an advance mailing; comments received by 3 p.m. Wednesday, December 17 will be forwarded electronically to the HPRB members. 
The agenda for the meetings will be emailed to all recipients of this public notice and posted on the Historic Preservation Office website at on Friday, December 12, 2014.  To receive a print copy of the staff report for a case on the agenda, please contact Bruce Yarnall at (202) 442-8835 or on or after December 12.


2-B Hill Building, 839 17th (1636 I) Street NW, Case #11-06 (Williams)
2-B Editors Building, 1729 H Street NW, Case #13-02 (Williams)
ANC Historic Landmarks
2-F Real Estate Trust Company, 1333-1343 H Street, NW, HPA 14-652, revised concept/alteration of non-contributing addition (Callcott)
5-E McMillan Sand Filtration Site, 2501 1st Street, NW, HPA 15-090, concept/mixed use, multiple dwelling building with ground-level retail on north service corridor (Callcott)

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