
Saturday, April 11, 2015

an open letter from the McMillan Advisory Group (MAG) to Mayor Bowser

See this McMillan Advisory Group (MAG) open letter to Mayor Bowser dated Friday, 03-13-2015,:

The purpose of this letter is to engage the new administration. 

If the Mayor responds or accepts the invitation to attend a future MAG meeting, we will share that information. 

For more information on the MAG, please go to 


1 comment:

  1. Very attractive,, so this is "business as usual", a corrupt, city government, the embarrassment of the whole United States, and we the citizens, allow this garbage rammed down our throats.
    You can fight for your community, beat McDuffie, and Bowser, the mediocrity of "abuse of power".
    We need the McMillan Sand Filtration Plant restored for safe clean water security, in the face of hemispheric drought emergency. We can adaptively re-use the underground 20 acres( when we stop the demolition by VMP/DMPED, the UNHOLY alliance!) for "vertical agriculture" and Aquaponics as food from California, Mexico become restricted by the drought emergency. A Glen Echo arts/education campus for our families and keep the Dc youth off the streets and busy, in productive growth activities. A Wolf Trap outdoor concert stage, with sunset vistas,,festivals, opera, symphony and rock festivals. McMillan is a community owned park, and Jair Lynch and his crooked Visionless McMillan Partners have to be fought,,, fight for your homes....Don't let 20,000 cars add to the worst pollution measured in Dc on n. Capitol and the 3000 atrocious parking spaces,,, this is how the world's environment is devastated, STOP VMP/DMPED, stop Corporate Mayor Bowser, for our homes! Your elected officials and their appointed henchmen are out of control, mediocre, and scheming to steal our $100's of millions in 25 acre public land theft at McMillan!
