
Friday, April 10, 2015

DC Auditor comment about ANC 5C's "willingness ot ANC 5C's commissioners to abide by the law"

See these tweets:

So the auditor comment below about ANC 5C covers the former ANC 5D, which was Bloomingdale, Truxton Circle/Bates/Hanover, Eckingon, Park Place/Cloisters and the southern end of Brookland - and the current ANC 5C, which is for another part of Ward 5.

DC Auditor releases report on ANC5C. Last sentence in this graph, not good...
1:12 PM - 10 Apr 2015

is this 5C from before redistricting, or after?
Fiscal years 2012-2014.
the audit spans before and after redistricting but the part about disregard for the law was all in 'old 5c'

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