
Monday, April 27, 2015

HELP: Noisy party house at 127 Adams St NW

Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2015 17:20:08 -0400
Subject: HELP: Noisy party house in Bloomingdale

127 Adams Street NW.  
In the past few months, this house has had house parties that spill out into the front and into the alley.  They bring microphone and speakers outside and play the music way past the ordinance hours.  The music is so loud that you can hear it down the block.  Their guests leave trash all over the place.  We need to put the residents of this house on notice and make sure they realize there are consequences.  The tenants in the house are not Howard students, but the party tends to attract that crowd.

Noisy Parties


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Re: "The tenants aren't Howard students but the party tends to attract that crowd"?

    Really? Are you inspecting IDs of the party goers? How do you know they're Howard students? Or shall I say "that crowd"? Or is that just your way of letting folks know they're young and black and if so, why is that important to convey?

    1. Perhaps it was the Howard University clothing I saw many of the attendees wearing? There are many ways for someone to figure out the party attendees were students without checking IDs; no need to imply someone is a racist.

    2. Once again, why was it necessary to state that "the tenants aren't Howard students but the party tends to attract that crowd"? It seems to me that bad parties are bad parties and inconsiderate neighbors are inconsiderate neighbors regardless of race (oops I mean college affiliation). I wasn't implying that you were racist. That's a strong label. I don't have enuf info to slap that label on you. Biased maybe? I'm not sure, which is why I posed the question to you. I'd like to hear from you why you felt the race/college affiliation is a detail you feel necessary to point out. I still haven't received my answer from you....or maybe I have.

    3. Ray for just once maybe you should get off the race the card...frankly who cares. I would think the bloomingdaleguy pointed it out so that the University could take some action as apposed to CUA. I think that makes more sense than your racist comment!

    4. I'm not even the original poster that complained about the party. I just thought Ray's comment was ridiculous.

  3. It doesn't matter who they were. It was very, very loud. The crowd overflowed the yard, into the alley. Some guests decided peeing in the alley was appropriate. But, it did not go on all night. This was an afternoon and early evening event, and the noise stopped at a decent hour.

  4. I live on the same street and they haven't had many parties in the past few months. This house along with the the others next to it have folks over from time to time but it has never been a problem. Stop exaggerating to make a point. The party ended at a decent hour and I have no problem with that, however, peeing in the ally is unnaceptable. I do agree with Ray, to automatically assume they are Howard students is gross and you need to be checked simply because you saw the color of their skin and wanted to slap that label on them. I bet you are of the same crowd that doesn't want pop ups to increase housing supply to make this place affordable.

    1. "The party ended at a decent hour and I have no problem with that"
      +How about the party the weekend before that didn't end until 3 or 4 am?
      +Or the previous party that had a DJ in the back, over a 100 people in just the backyard/alley area, and the cops showing up at least 2-3 times
      +Look, chances are the crowd gets big because the university is right there and word gets around about a party. But this is their house now, they are all grown up, graduated from college, and entered the real world. If they cannot control their own parties, then they either need to get hit with a penalty or fine, or make the responsible choice to stop having parties of a scale they cannot control.
      +Has anyone tried talking to them? Maybe all they need is someone to knock on the door and express their concerns as neighbors?

      "I bet you are of the same crowd that doesn't want pop ups to increase housing supply to make this place affordable."
      +sounds a lot like you're automatically assuming it's these "gentrifying white people" complaining

    2. Please explain how pop ups make our neighborhood more affordable? Please show me one popup that has been built as affordable housing. Take a look, there have been plenty that have sold in the $600-700s range. How much do you think rent would be on a $600k condo? The idea that increasing the housing stock by turning a single family home into two high end condo units is crazy.

  5. To set things straight:

    -The tenants are all Howard Alumni. How do I know this? The car parked in the back has a "HOWARD ALUMNI" license plate case.
    -This is only the third or fourth "big" party they have thrown. BUT the cops HAVE come by to every one of them AND end up doing nothing. If they can keep the noise inside the house, then it's their direct neighbors issues. They don't and start making huge noise and clogging the alley in the backyard becoming a neighborhood wide problem.
    -In addition to peeing in the alley, some neighbors saw one guy pee in the front yard Sunday. He just pulled his penis out and pissed.

    Why Howard crowd?
    +Because last year they had a big one for homecoming. Another one with tons of Howard gear. And this time around people could hear shouting in the backyard "If you didn't graduate in XX, you gotta get the fuck out."
    +Howard University has acknowledge that they had students have been at parties at this house and have said they've sent out a school official to this house.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Who they are is probably irrelevant, but you'd probably do the same if they were G-dub students.

  8. Well I'm sorry for you all's inconvience. I grew up in that house, it was air property until it was put up for sale in the Washington Post without our knowing. If we we're there nothing like that would be taking place.
    Born Washingtonian!!!
