
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

McMillan Coalition for Sustainable Agriculture bid to reopen McMillan case record flatly rejected

See this tweet:
McMillan Coalition for Sustainable Agriculture bid to reopen McMillan case record flatly rejected by Zoning Commission earlier this evening.
11:22 PM - 27 Apr 2015 


  1. Thank God, these are the the crasy folks who think turning McMillan into farmland is a good thing. DC would really be the laugh stock of the world with the most expensive farm land per acre in the the world

  2. amglassart, Jerome, mary, d.c., Andrea, annesellin, mary, dgrosso, pmendelson, kmcduffie, bcc: Mary
    I love when the developers, thier media, and their slaves in the DC govt..say
    "the Crummel School or McMillan site is long vacant"
    When it is them,, THEM, that left the Crummel School deteriorating for 30 years, and blocked off the McMillan site, with barbed wire, for 28 years!. This is racist and economic class discrimination,, how much did these same hack city council members give for parks in upper NW, and serve the rich.
    Can't even a real estate writer assign accountability to this corrupt "market of influence" pretending to be a government?
    Tommy Wells and every city council hack, voted to allow the theft (Land Surplus and Disposition) of McMillan Park and approval of (VMP)Visionless McMillan Partners atrocious humongous development...Why is the denial of lower income and predominantly African American areas of DC for parks and greenspace TAKEN FOR GRANTED?
    We have a fascinating historic site being stolen by developers for their $billions in profit,,When we need our public land,,OUR LAND!,, for a Glen Echo type arts/education campus, a DC Wolf Trap outdoor concert stage with sunset vistas,,,and 20 acres of urban agriculture,, that preserves the park...STOP WELLS, STOP BOWSER, STOP Trammel Crow, VMP and their illegal PR fake grassroots campaign Fontaine Company that "neutralizes opposition", and violates our rights to participate in our own government, our own land,,,stop institutional corruption and racism in DC..STOP BOWSER and McDuffie, Mendelson,, Cheh,, Grosso,,, the next generation of criminals!

    We, you and I, all of us, must have the guts to stand up for a sustainable future for our children. To oppose the financial, industrial, political and social structures that are destroying the earth's environment. We have to stop these excessive land development monstrosities, and their consumption of our resources. We must have the integrity, to deny abuse of power, malfeasance in office, and institutional corruption. A "culture of corruption" in the DC government, destructive to our city, our families, our quality of life, our health and destroying the earth.

    We have to be strong and brave and do what is right, to conserve the green space for a healthy quality of life. It is treason against posterity to support the same destructive things that are causing this environmental cataclysm, from the Amazon Rain Forest to your block.

    Massive out of scale, out of balance projects, the VMP "Monstrosity on Michigan Avenue", this grossly out of proportion plan from applicant Vision McMillan Partners must be rejected, and the safe, healthy sustainable alternatives explored. Some of these politicians were elected honestly, but they are a "Marketplace of influence " and blocking their own constituents priorities.

    McMillan Park is public property, and no politician, developer or the Zoning Commission have the right to overwhelm the public good with this misguided project by applicant development conglomerate.
    So when Bowser takes $7 million from Crummel, and gives $300 million to Visionless McMillan Partners,,please wake up!
