
Monday, January 11, 2016

DCist: "Photos: Organizers throw a secret party underneath McMillan Park to protest development" -- held on Friday, 01-08-2016

Click on the link to read the entire DCist post and to view the assortment of photos from the event.

Photos: Organizers throw a secret party underneath McMillan Park to protest development.

D.C. activist Adam Eidinger and anti-imperialist organization Code Pink planned the event in honor of Ariel Vegosen of Code Pink's birthday. She travelled to Palestine, Turkey, France, Italy, Greece, and then back to Palestine before returning stateside on Friday.

For Vegosen, the festivities were a way to culminate her time abroad, and draw connections between global struggles, whether "Palestinians working every day to overcome occupation" or the planned development of McMillan Park. "Our existence here is a form of resistance," she says of the party's location.

Many of the people in attendance were old pros of setting up movable feasts in the sand, thanks to their time at Burning Man. They quickly morphed the underground vaults into a stunning scene for a celebration. Organizers unfurled strings of lights, lit candles, and set up a flame-filled bar and a car battery-powered DJ booth, as well as a donation box for Friends of McMillan Park.


  1. Are FRIENDS OF MCMILLAN so desperate now that they are resorting to using terrorist and anarchist supporters for their cause?? How disgusting and low will they go to get what they want? They have totally revealed their sick way of thinking. A real park, homes, stores and jobs means nothing to these vermin. I hope that citizens recognize who and what they are and support the hardworking people who are trying to bring this long overdue development to our neighborhood.

    1. Not a fom, but I don't have a problem with some folks having a party that didn't hurt anyone. Relax.

  2. Are FRIENDS OF MCMILLAN so desperate now that they are resorting to using terrorist and anarchist supporters for their cause?? How disgusting and low will they go to get what they want? They have totally revealed their sick way of thinking. A real park, homes, stores and jobs means nothing to these vermin. I hope that citizens recognize who and what they are and support the hardworking people who are trying to bring this long overdue development to our neighborhood.

  3. Friends of McMillan DO NOT represent the community!! They belong in underground caves. McMillan Project belongs above ground for the real community. Rats belong underground!

  4. Friends of McMillan DO NOT represent the community!! They belong in underground caves. McMillan Project belongs above ground for the real community. Rats belong underground!

  5. Stop with the facism already! Since when did trying to save green space become such a horrific offense?!?!? The people have a voice AS MUCH AS YOU JERKS TRY AND SILENCE US - as testified by almost 8000 signatures and multiple surveys - and WE CLEARLY want a park! There is opportunity to use the underground caverns in a creative and commercial way and everyone can be happy - think outside your brain dead head/box - DC can have a world class destination, businesses, jobs and yes also a park - all of it - and we deserve it! Enough with developer ass kissing!!! Stop misleading people, passing judgement and grow some balls and stop the "unknown" BS listings! You maybe a sold out anonymous faceless idiot but 8000 + people beg to differ and they actually have names and faces! Your twisted sold out compromised diarrhea is pathetic - try inserting your Fontaine suppository down your throat for a change! Who's payroll are you on anyway? Stop spewing this sold out boring tired shit and deception!!! If you want Crystal City or Tyson's corner just fucking move there! Or check out the fab condos around Costco!!! I'm sure you'd fit right in with that mediocrity you faceless "unknown" ASSHOLE!!!

  6. Not much but anger to read in that post. This isn't adding anything to the discussion.

    1. Please feel totally free to add anything productive to the discussion yourself - or do you have nothing much to say except for a lame one liner? I guess there really is "nobody home"! And what "discussion" are you referring to exactly anyway? There is no discussion - or at least not yet - Bloomingdale is just being railroaded by VMP, a sold out mayor and a half assed city council!!! How about we start by simply acknowledging the thousands of signatures that want to save McMillan Park and have a real dialog? Or how about discussing an international competition that might just offer more creative, innovative, clever and creative solutions that create a tourist attraction without devastating the surrounding neighborhoods? Oh and yes - JOBS a plenty! There are REAL alternatives that won't destroy Bloomingdale - and the neighboring areas - with thousands of cars, traffic, insane congestion, pollution and that will save the integrity and beauty of a historic nationally registered park and site! Why is this discussion so difficult to have anyway??? Are you also on VMP's payroll? I suspect so!!!

  7. Now you are attacking me? Really? You need to chill out. I've lived in the neighborhood since 1980, and care a lot about the development. I'm not on anyone's payroll, and I really dislike your jumping to the conclusion that anyone not agreeing with you has to have been paid off. Your notes come across as angry rather than thoughtful when I read them. Tone it down so we can have a rational conversation.
