
Friday, January 15, 2016

unit block of Seaton Place NW basement unit break-in on Wednesday, 01-13-2016

See this 01-15-2016 message:

Just to keep people informed, we thought we would let you know that there has been a robbery - unit block of Seaton Pl NW, lower unit.  They really worked on the door (completely mangled it - a thick wooden door) and finally broke it and ransacked the place.  Just a couple small things stolen, thankfully.  Police say that they mainly look for Apple products and, thankfully, there were none lying around.  It happened on Wednesday between the hours of 9-4 (if anyone heard any suspicious banging around then on the unit block, would love to know it!).


  1. I'm sorry to hear of your break-in. My house on the 2200 block of Flagler Pl was broken into last January (I think it was 1/14/15). It happened on a weekday afternoon, and the perpetrator(s) took a crowbar to our back door, completely busted it open even with a deadbolt in place, and took a lot of electronics (many of them Apple products). There was a bunch of similar break-ins that same week/month that matched the MO (crowbar to back or basement door, electronics stolen). I don't know if this is just what we have to expect post-holidays every year. :\

  2. I'm sure police are on the job. I watched for about 20 minutes while four MPD vehicles sat Thursday afternoon in the DC Water lot at the corner of Second and Adams as the officers had an extended conversation. I'm sure they were sharing tips on crime fighting, and not just BSing.
