
Wednesday, January 20, 2016

house robbery on the 400 block of Elm St NW on Tuesday, 01-19-2016

See this message from the LeDroit Park list at Yahoogroups:

Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2016 5:40 PM
Subject: [LeDroitPark] House Robbery on Elm Street - 1/19

Just wanted to report a house robbery on Elm Street between 4th and 5th yesterday. The house was accessed from the rear, and a crow bar was used to pop the first floor window open. Computers, TV's, camera's, cash and some personal items were taken. If anyone as any info on this or any suspicious activity, it would be much appreciated. 


See this subsequent post from LeDroit Park Civic Association's Anita Norman:

Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2016 8:09 PM
Subject: Re: [LeDroitPark] Re: House Robbery on Elm Street - 1/19/2016

Hello Neighbors, 

This is second time within a couple of months that there has been a robbery within the 400 block of Elm St. This is very disturbing. I will work with MPD to have them pay special attention to that area in the alleys in particular. In addition, I will bring materials to the Civic Association meeting so that residents can record their serial numbers of their valuables. And if this type of crime occurs again, at least you will be able to identify your items if recovered  by law enforcement. 

Warm Regards,

Anita Norman,
LPCA Acting President, VP and Public Safety Chair..

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