
Friday, February 26, 2016

Eckington's Walt Cain responds to questions about the Eckington Historic District designation project timeline questions

On 02-24-2015, an Eckington neighbor had a few questions about the Eckington Civic Association neighborhood Historic District timeline.

See this 02-25-2016 response from Walt Cain, posted at the Eckington list at Google Groups:

Walt Cain <>: Feb 25 04:40PM -0500

Hi Carly,

Thanks so much for your message.

The second town hall on historic designation will be held at 7 PM on Wednesday, March 16 at the Summit at St Martin’s. We are still finalizing the list of panelists, but so far we will have a representative from the Historic Preservation Office who reviews and approves permit applications for residents in historic districts and who will also talk about the Historic Homeowner Grant program, a homeowner who lives in the Anacostia Historic District, an update from the historian researching Eckington’s history for the designation application, and hopefully a representative from the city to talk about zoning in historic districts and specific issues of zoning in a potential Eckington Historic District.

The minutes of the town hall will be posted on the ECA website the week following the meeting. If you won’t be able to attend, but have questions you would like answered, then feel free to email them to and we will ask them at the town hall and include the response in the minutes. The third town hall will be on May 9 at 7 PM at The Summit.  We will use feedback from the second town hall to populate the panel for the third meeting.

ECA went door-to-door distributing flyers prior to the first town hall and plans to do so again before the second and third. In addition we will post signs throughout the neighborhood as well. The results of the online survey taken after the first town hall can be found here: .

Once the town halls have been completed ECA will hold a vote on whether to move forward with submitting our application for consideration to the city.

Hope this helps and please feel free to reach out if you have any additional questions or suggestions!


And here is a subsequent response from Eckington resident Carly:

Carly Feb 28 12:00PM -0500

Thanks for the update, Walt. I'm happy to volunteer for flyering before future meetings. I asked around and I don't think anyone on my block got the last round. Just let me know when you need help.

Thanks again.



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