
Monday, March 14, 2016

neighbor reports "a crazy man in Truxton Circle"

See the text of an Email received this evening:

From: Joshua 
Sent: Monday, March 14, 2016 8:21 PM
Subject: Crazy man in Truxton circle

Hi Scott,

Had a terrible experience tonight returning from work. Got off of the 80 bus on North Capitol and was walking by the Truxton Circle bus stop when a short, black man started shouting at me and asking "how many years do I have?"  He was mid-30's wearing jeans, a beanie, a flannel shirt and a black sweatshirt. He said that he was going to kill me as whites aren't welcome here. That was his main theme. He continued to charge towards me as I ran away. I filed a police report and hope to not see him again.

Just a heads up to warn others. Wonder if anyone else has experienced the same thing.


  1. This used to be a daily occurance when I first moved into the neighborhood!! I told them it was my neighborhood too

  2. Thanks Dave! I've felt very welcome in Bloomingdale and glad that this is a rare occurance for me.
