
Wednesday, May 11, 2016

McMillan on the HPRB agenda

Buried in the long HPO notice below you will find Bloomingdale's McMillan.

Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2016 12:37 PM
Subject: [HistoricWashington] HPO Monthly Public Notice - May 2016

This Notice is also posted on our website at:  

May 2016
Issued by email on May 10, 2016


This notice is the official monthly announcement by the District of Columbia’s Historic Preservation Office (HPO) of pending matters of public interest.  It includes items related to preservation planning, designation of historic landmarks and historic districts, and project reviews before the Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB).


HPO and HPRB welcome Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC) participation in the historic preservation review process as provided by the ANC Act.  The District’s historic preservation regulations require HPRB to give great weight to the duly adopted written views of Advisory Neighborhood Commissions (ANCs) on matters of significance to neighborhood planning and development. 

How Affected ANCs Should Use this Notice

This is an initial notice to ANCs of construction projects recently filed for HPRB review.  Projects are identified by address and ANC area where the address is located.  Upcoming historic designation hearings are also listed, supplementing the separate notice letters mailed to ANCs.

HPRB regulations are designed to allow ANCs to identify projects they believe are significant to neighborhood planning and development.  ANCs can request project submissions and applicant contact information from the assigned HPO staff person listed on this notice.

The historic preservation regulations encourage, but do not require, applicants to contact the affected ANC to present their projects and to resolve any public concerns before HPRB review.  If an ANC is interested in a project listed on this notice, but has not yet been contacted by the applicant, the ANC is encouraged to arrange for an ANC review directly with the applicant. 

Longer Notice Period for Cases Undergoing ANC Review

HPO gives notice according to rules designed to balance the interests of project applicants and ANCs.  If HPO is already aware of ANC interest in a project, the case is listed on two successive monthly notices in order to ensure a minimum notice to the affected ANC of 45 days (or 30 working days, whichever is longer).  This means that when these cases first appear on this notice, they are scheduled for the HPRB meeting at the end of the following month.

HPO asks affected ANCs for help in identifying any other projects on this notice that they want to review at a public meeting.  Upon notification, HPO will ensure that the affected ANC receives a minimum 45-day notice of those cases.  ANCs may identify an interest in reviewing any or all of the cases that affect their area.

For those cases that affected ANCs do not need to consider at a public meeting, HPO will proceed with review for possible consideration at this month’s HPRB meeting.  The shorter notice allows the application to proceed without unnecessary delay to the applicant or burden to the ANC.

How to Ensure Consideration of ANC Views

ANCs should first identify those cases on this notice they want to review.  ANCs should feel free to contact the assigned HPO staff person for information about any case.  ANCs should also contact HPO in writing to request an extended notice for those cases the ANC wants to review at a public meeting.  Requests are granted automatically and may be made by email to the assigned staff person or to  Requests should be made as soon as possible, but no later than two days before the upcoming HPRB meeting.  ANCs do not need to contact HPO about projects that are already scheduled to allow a 45-day review period, or that they have already reviewed. 

How to Submit ANC Comments

For ANC comments to receive great weight, they must be adopted by ANC vote at a duly noticed public meeting.  ANC comments may be in resolution or letter format, and should be submitted within the 45-day review period.  Comments should relate to HPRB’s area of jurisdiction, state the vote taken, and articulate the basis for the ANC recommendations.

Any ANC commissioner is welcome to participate in HPRB meetings as an individual, but only the duly adopted official comments of the ANC receive great weight.


The applications listed on this notice and their associated materials are a matter of public record.  Case files are open for public review at the Historic Preservation Office during regular business hours, Monday – Friday, 9 am to 5 pm, 1100 4th Street SW, Suite E650 (at Waterfront METRO station). 

For more information, see the HPO and HPRB website at .  Some application materials and plans are also posted on the website.


Public comments are welcome on all HPRB cases, and anyone may participate in an HPRB meeting without signing up in advance.  HPRB prefers to receive copies of written comments before their meeting.  Written comments submitted by the deadlines below will be distributed to each HPRB member before the meeting.  Written comments may also be brought to the HPRB meeting for distribution (10 copies are needed).

Comments for print distribution with case information:                 3 pm on May 19

Late comments for email distribution:                                                    3 pm on May 25 (for May 26 meeting)

                                                                                                                              3 pm on June 1   (for June 2 meeting)

The 45-day/30-working-day ANC notice period for cases on this notice expires on:   June 24, 2016

May 26 and June 2, 2016
441 4th Street NW, Room 220 South, 9:00 a.m. 

The Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB) will meet on Thursday, May 26, and Thursday, June 2, 2016 to consider concept and permit applications for work affecting historic properties.  Applications for historic landmark or historic district designation may also be considered.

The agenda for these meetings will be drawn from the list of filed cases below, but not all cases on the list will be included.  The agenda will be released on the Friday before each meeting, and will be emailed to all recipients of this public notice.  The agenda and HPO reports for the scheduled cases will be posted on the HPO website at  the end of the day on Friday, May 20, 2016.  


The following cases have been filed by this month’s application deadline for submission to HPRB.  The agenda of cases for the upcoming HPRB meetings will be drawn from this list.

Listing on this notice does not guarantee a hearing this month.  Some cases are already scheduled for the following month.  Other cases may be deferred at the request of the affected Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC), for insufficient information, or at the discretion of HPO or HPRB. 

For inquiries about or to provide comments on a specific case, please contact the assigned staff person listed below.  Written comments should be received at HPO by the comment deadlines noted above. Submission of written comments by email is preferred.



3-D        Mount Vernon Seminary for Girls, 3801 Nebraska Avenue NW, Case 15-22 (Brockett)
5-E          U.S. Postal Service Mail Equipment Shops, 2135 5th Street NE, Case 16-08 (Dennee)
2-F          Denrike Building, 1010 Vermont Avenue NW, Case 10-16 (to be heard June 23)
2-A         Federal Home Loan Bank Board, 1700 G Street NW, Case 15-21 (to be heard June 23)


ANC       Historic Landmarks

2-B         St. Regis (formerly Carlton Hotel), 923 16th Street NW, HPA 16-293, concept/side and roof addition (Callcott)

2-E          Duke Ellington School (Western High School), 35th and R Streets NW, HPA xxx, revised concept to approved entrance plan (Lewis)

3-C         Tregaron Estate, 3100 Macomb Street NW, HPA 16-053, concept/construction of new classroom building and site alterations  (Callcott)

5-E          McMillan Reservoir Park, HPA 16-310, 2501 First Street NW, final concept/park, community center and north and south service courts (Callcott)

Capitol Hill Historic District

6-A         401 11th St NE, HPA 16-303, concept/curb cut (Weishar)
6-C         609 2nd Street NE, HPA 16-302, concept/rear addition (Weishar)

Cleveland Park Historic District

3-C         3703 Reno Road NW, HPA 16-382, concept/rear addition; driveway modifications (McMillen)
3-C         3512 Rodman Street NW, HPA 16-345, concept/rear addition (McMillen)

Dupont Circle Historic District

2-B         2000 Florida Avenue NW, HPA 16-258, concept/exterior alteration to American Geophysical Union (Callcott and Elliott)
2-B         1510 and 1512 21st St NW, HPA 16-148, concept/renovation and four-story rear addition (Elliott)

Fourteenth Street Historic District

2-F          1534 14th Street NW, HPA 16-254, concept/rear and roof addition (to be scheduled for June 23 meeting;(Callcott)
2-F          1701-1711 14th Street NW, HPA 16-379, concept/renovation and new construction of seven story retail and residential building (Callcott; to be scheduled for June 2 meeting)

Kalorama Triangle Historic District

1-C         2341 Ashmead Place NW, HPA 16-055, revised concept/rear and roof additions and front areaway alterations (Brockett)

Mount Pleasant Historic District

1-D         1843 Park Road NW, HPA 16-386, alter rear stone wall and provide parking area in rear yard (Dennee)
1-D         3118-3120 16th Street NW, HPA 16-312, revised concept/side and roof additions to two buildings (not being scheduled for this month’s meetings; Dennee)

Shaw Historic District

6-E          1612-1616 7th Street NW, HPA 16-262, concept/four-story rear addition on three two-story commercial buildings (not being scheduled for this month’s meetings; Meyer)
6-E          1336 8th Street NW, HPA 16-353, concept/new construction (Callcott; to be scheduled for June 2 meeting)

Sheridan Kalorama Historic District

2-A         2161 Florida Avenue NW, HPA 16-377, concept/roof addition on two-story carriage house (Callcott)

16th Street Historic District

2-B         1101-1111 16th Street NW, HPA 16-157, revised concept/façade alterations to non-contributing buildings (Callcott)
2-B         St. Regis (formerly Carlton Hotel), 923 16th Street NW (see Historic Landmarks)

Strivers’ Section Historic District

2-B         1824 17th Street NW, HPA 16-384, new retaining wall and patio area at front yard/public space (Elliott)

U Street Historic District

1-B         1357 U Street NW, HPA 15-311, revised concept/seven-story-plus-penthouse addition (Brockett)
1-B         1909 9th Street NW, HPA 16-095, concept/roof addition (Brockett)
1-B         1318 T Street NW, HPA 16-381, concept/rear and roof addition (Brockett)
2-B         1520 T Street NW, HPA 16-383, concept/roof addition (Brockett)

Takoma Park Historic Distritct

4-B         324 Aspen Street NW, HPA 16-372, concept/rear addition (Brockett)

Washington Heights Historic District

1-C         1800 Columbia Road NW, HPA 16-388, concept/raze non-contributing building, new construction of 6-story building (Brockett)
1-C         2412 18th Street NW, HPA 16-340, concept, rear addition (Brockett)

Woodley Park Historic District

3-C         2825 28th Street NW, HPA 16-307, concept/roof deck and stair access (Brockett)




Anne Brockett
(202) 442-8842

Steve Callcott  
(202) 741-5247

Tim Dennee
(202) 442-8847

Kim Elliott
(202) 442-8838

Patsy Fletcher
(202) 741-0816

Andrew Lewis
(202) 442-8841

David Maloney
(202) 442-8850

Frances McMillen
(202) 442-8839

Brendan Meyer
(202) 741-5248

Paul J. Weishar
(202) 442-7703

Kim Williams
(202) 442-8840

To be included on the email distribution list for this monthly public notice, please visit the Office of Planning website homepage and sign up at .


For additional information, see the HPO and HPRB website at

ACCESSIBILITY SERVICES: Persons needing accessibility accommodations for preservation services and programs may contact Steve Callcott at the Office of Planning at (202) 442-8800 to request assistance.  Sign language interpretation is available for HPRB meetings with two weeks advance notice.

Bruce Yarnall • Historic Preservation Operations Manager
DC Office of Planning
1100 4th Street SW, Suite E650 • Washington, DC 20024

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