
Thursday, February 02, 2017

a revisit of the Private Security Camera System Incentive Program

From: Teri Janine []
Sent: Thursday, February 2, 2017 5:12 PM
Subject: Fwd: Post to Bloomingdales Listser?


Can you help spread the word (again)?

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Rogers, Hakeem (EOM)" <>
Date: February 2, 2017 at 4:52:27 PM EST
To: Teri Janine <>, "McClelland, Katherine (SMD 5E06)" <>
Cc: "Gaines, Lionell (EOM)" <>
Subject: Post to Bloomingdales Listser?
Hey Commissioner McClelland & President Quinn ,

I don’t have access to the Bloomingdale’s listserv/blogpost. Can you post the following information for me please?

We were notified that delivery persons are being robbed in the area. MPD is also aware and investigating the incidents.

Please post below-


Private Security Camera System Incentive Program

Program Description  

The Private Security Camera Incentive Program, administered by the Office of Victim Services and Justice Grants (Office), creates a rebate for residents, businesses, nonprofits, and religious institutions to purchase and install security camera systems on their property and register them with the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD). The program provides a rebate of up to $200 per camera, with a maximum rebate of up to $500 per residential address (e.g., home offices, condo buildings, and apartments) and $750 for all other addresses. The rebate is exclusively for the cost of the camera(s) and not installation, storage, or accessories. Only cameras installed on the exterior of the property are eligible for a rebate. Rebates will only be given for the cameras that are installed on the exterior of the property.   

This program is intended to help deter crime and assist law enforcement with investigations. Please review the following information and if you have additional quesitons, please contact the program at or 202-727-5124.

The camera system must have been purchased and installed on the property after September 22, 2015 and before all available funds are expended. The camera also must be registered with the Metropolitan Police Department.  Only one security camera system per property address is eligible. Security camera systems must be installed on the exterior of a building. Applicants will also be required to verify installation of the system (see application for complete details).

Camera  System Specifications 
Security camera systems shall meet minimum technical and video quality specifications below, and must retain video footage for at least forty-eight (48) hours. All cameras must be outdoor, weather proof cameras. We strongly recommend purchasing a camera that is designed for the outdoors as opposed to modifying one designed for indoor use.

Camera Resolution
1 Megapixel
3 Megapixel
Screen Resolution
Video Quality 
Frames per Second 
Storage Requirements 
250 GB per camera or up to 10 days of storage
2.5 TB per camera   

Screen Resolution
Frames per Second 
Storage Requirements 
125 GB per camera  
350 GB per camera  


Applicants must be an owner or tenant of a property that is used as a residence, business, nonprofit, or religious institution located in the District of Columbia. Applicants who are tenants must provide documentation from the property owner approving the installation of the security camera system on the property. 

By participating in this program, the Applicant acknowledges that he or she will not use the security camera for any unlawful or harassing purposes and will comply with all applicable building and electrical code requirements.

To apply for a rebate:

1) Purchase and install the camera(s) on the exterior of your property.

2) Register your camera system with MPD at After completing this form you will receive an e-mail confirmation with a log number; please save this email as you will need to submit it as part of your application.

3) Complete the Private Security Camera Incentive Program Application.

A complete application will include:

     a) The PSA of the property address which can be found at: 

     b) Proof of purchase of the camera system that includes the number of cameras purchased and cost per camera.

Do not submit your application until the cameras are installed on the property and registered with the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD).   

Note: It may take up to 45 working days to issue your rebate provided your application is complete and approved.

​Source: Against 

Robbery and Assault

Robbery and assault are serious crimes. While money is often the motivation, these incidents are considered crimes of violence because they involve the threat or actual use of physical violence. The basic rules of prevention are to be sensible and to be alert. The following tips will also help reduce the risk of robbery or assault.

Personal Safety Tips on the Street

·        If possible, don't walk alone during late-night hours. Walk in groups whenever you can—there is always safety in numbers.

·        Let a family member or friend know your destination and your estimated time of arrival or return. That way, the police can be notified as quickly as possible if there is a problem.

·        Stay in well-lit areas as much as possible. Avoid alleys, vacant lots, wooded areas, and other short-cuts or secluded areas. They are usually not well-lit or heavily traveled.

·        Walk on the sidewalk whenever possible. Walk close to the curb, avoiding doorways, bushes, and other potential hiding places.

·        If you have to walk in the street, walk facing traffic. A person walking with traffic can be followed, forced into a car, and abducted more easily than a person walking against traffic.

·        Walk confidently, directly, and at a steady pace. Don't stop to talk to strangers.

·        Wear clothing and shoes that give you freedom of movement. And don't burden yourself with too many packages or items.

·        Always be aware of your surroundings. If you are wearing headphones, don't turn up the volume so high that you cannot hear outside noises.

·        Never hitchhike or accept rides from strangers.

·        Report any suspicious activity or person immediately to the Metropolitan Police Department at 9-1-1.

·        Avoid carrying large sums of cash, or displaying expensive jewelry in public.

Basic Street Smarts

·        Wherever you are—on the street, in an office building or shopping mall, driving, waiting for a bus or subway—stay alert and tuned in to your surroundings.

·         Send the message that you're calm, confident, and know where you're going.

·        Trust your instincts. If something or someone makes you uneasy, avoid the person or leave.

·        Know the neighborhoods where you live and work.

·        Check out the locations of police and fire stations, public telephones, hospitals, and restaurants, or stores that are open late.

If Someone Tries to Rob You

·        Don't resist. Give up your property—don't give up your life.

·        Report the crime to the police. Try to describe the attacker accurately. Your actions can help prevent others from becoming victims.

Self defense measures are most effective when applied as preventive steps—avoiding the crime in the first place.

These measures include running away, hiding, screaming, and raising an alarm—remember, more people will respond to someone yelling "Fire" than they will to "Help!"”

Safety in Your Vehicle

The crime of “carjacking” – which is stealing a car by force – captures headlines across the country. Statistically speaking, however, your chances of being a victim of carjacking are very slim, and taking preventive measures can reduce that risk even more.

·        If the carjacker threatens you with a gun or other weapon, give up your car. Don’t argue. Your life is definitely worth more than a car.

·        Get away from the area as quickly as possible.

·        Try to remember what the carjacker looked like—sex, race, age, hair and eye color, special features, clothes.

·        Report the crime immediately to the police.

Automated Teller Machine (ATM) Safety Tips

·        Try to use machines you are familiar with, and try to use terminals located in banks rather than independent terminals.

·        Be aware of your surroundings. Look around before conducting a transaction. If you see anyone or anything suspicious, cancel your transaction and go to another ATM.

·        If you must use an ATM after hours, make sure it’s well-lit.

·        Never walk away from an ATM with cash still in hand. If you are going to count your money, do so at the ATM.

·        When making an ATM transaction from your car, be aware of your surroundings. Keep your eyes and ears open, and keep car doors locked.

Preventing Assaults

Assaults are basically fights carried out with or without a weapon at home or in a public space, between strangers, (frequently) among friends, acquaintances, or loved ones.

The most serious assaults are known as "aggravated assaults," "assaults with a deadly weapon," or "assaults with intent to kill."

Less serious offenses are called "simple assaults." In many cases, simple assaults turn into more serious assaults or even homicides, if the initial argument or fight is not scaled back or resolved quickly.

While some assaults are unavoidable, use the following tips to make sure simple arguments do not turn violent or deadly:

·        If you are involved in a heated argument that appears to be turning violent, walk away. If you stay and fight "to prove something," you will only demonstrate poor judgment in almost every instance.

·        Never carry a firearm, knife, or other illegal weapon. A weapon will definitely escalate the situation, and it could ultimately be used to harm innocent people or yourself.

·        Avoid excessive drinking, or if you have been drinking, recognize its impact on your judgment. Alcohol is a contributing factor in many assaults.

·        If you see an assault in progress, dial 9-1-1 immediately to alert the police. Do not jump into the fray, unless it is a last resort to prevent more serious injury.

Best Regards,
Hakeem Rogers
Ward 5 Liaison| Mayor’s Office of Community Relations and Services
Executive Office of the Mayor
202.394.4399(Cell) ::: 202.727.2822(Office) (E-Mail)
Follow Us @DCMOCRS on Twitter
1350 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Suite 332, Washington, DC 20004

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