
Friday, March 24, 2017

DC For Reasonable Development: report on the Thursday, 03-23-2017, Zoning Commission hearing on the DC Court of Appeals zoning order remand

Sent: Friday, March 24, 2017 5:13 PM
Subject: [HistoricWashington] Thursday Night`s Zoning Commission Hearing on McMillan

Good McMillan Peeps,

Happy Friday!

About Thursday Night:
  • Per the typical ratios of community output, McMillan supporters outpaced those in favor 5:1
  • The Office of Planning gave their opinion as to why they approve building downtown sized buildings next to rowhouses vulnerable to gentrification
  • The Dept of the Environment could not answer questions about their own studies
  • DDOT says the developer will pay for the stop signs, cameras, traffic lights, and other "mitigation"
  • The Secretary of the Commission would not accept printed testimony by those who were not actually present at the hearing leaving numerous people wanting to participate out the "the process"
  • Cheryl Cort of Smart Growth DC admitted that Vision McMillan developers fund her organizing
Movie Night

Get some popcorn, and check out this attempted imperial takeover of our Park from Thursday night.  Film from the March 23 Zoning Commission's "limited-scope" hearing >> PlayerController.aspx?&PGD= dczoning&eID=708


Friday night we are gathering at UDC Law School for a circle discussion on McMillan Park.
McMillan Park – What Happened and Why?
  • What of last night's zoning hearing?
  • How does the Zoning Commission and Office of Attorney General coexist?
  • Administrative Law and Activism, really?
  • Our Park: Ideas for the future!
Friday, March 24, 2017, 6:30 – 8:45 PM
Moot Court – Room 518
UDC David A. Clarke School of Law
4340 Connecticut Ave., NW WDC 20008
(one ½ blocks north of Van Ness Metro)

Chris Otten
DC for Reasonable Development

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