
Friday, March 17, 2017

Save McMillan Action Coalition: "Administrative 'Railroading' of McMillan Park Court Reversal Paid For by DC TaxPayers"

From: SaveMcMillan ActionCoalition <>
Date: Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 5:06 PM
Subject: PRESS ALERT: McMillan Park Administrative "Railroading"

PRESS ALERT: Save McMillan Action Coalition,

Administrative “Railroading” of McMillan Park Court Reversal Paid For by DC TaxPayers
Mayor and DC Planning Officials Submit Exhibits with 300 Pages 10 Days Before
March 23 Hearing

Washington, DC — On March 13, 2017, more than fifteen exhibits consisting of more than three hundred pages of reports, narrative, and argument were published on the record by the Applicant in the McMillan Park zoning case, a case vacated by the DC Court of Appeals back in December.

In typical development zoning review the vast bulk of submissions by the Applicant would be available at least several weeks before any hearings.

DC for Reasonable Development

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