
Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Bloomingdale neighborhood BBQ/block party meet and and greet in the planning

See this post at NextDoor Bloomingdale:

Bloomingdale BBQ/Neighbor Meet and Greet
Chris Evans from Bloomingdale · 5m ago
Hey folks we are in the beginning stages of making this a reality. We had an amazing introductory meeting this past Monday at Crisp (thanks to those who showed up). We have reached out to the powers that be to see about potential funding and other red tape we need to get through. The next step is focusing on a specific place and time.

A block party seems to be the common theme of what we will do. Incorporating food and music and just a fun time mingling and getting to know each other.

Our next meeting will be Monday May 1, 2017 at 7pm at Crisp restaurant in the upstairs bar area. We had a good turnout of 8 neighbors but anyone else who wants to show up and give suggestions and feedback would be appreciated.

Thanks and we are all excited to bring this event to fruition.

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