
Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Daniel Goldon Wolkoff: "McMillan - article The Intowner and UDC Law Forum"

From: []
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2017 5:43 AM
To: Ward 5
Subject: [WARD5] McMillan - article The Intowner and UDC Law Forum

McMillan Park the biggest land theft in centuries.

 McMillan Park, relegated from memory for developers to get their hands on and privatize,  is a designated National and DC Historic Site, and protected from the developers demolition by Federally assigned covenants. But Federal Law is being openly violated by Mayor Bowser, Kenyan McDuffie, Phil Mendelson and Brian Kenner DMPED and a conglomerate of literally all the big developers,  . This is happening because our govt is arrogant, cares nothing for the community public health, and proper urban planning, is abusing its power by very few officials, and acting above the law.

Our Govt. in collusion with mega developer EYA-VMP, is stealing from the people of DC and the Nation, the enlightened work of turn of the century designers and engineers brought to Washington by Sen.James McMillan, the 25 open acres at McMillan Sand (Clean Water) Filtration Site.

The Central DC Olmsted designed park, literally DC's Central Park to the local African-American community has been fenced off in blatant racial discrimination since 1941 (Crazy right?).

Now, before the site is destroyed for 50 buildings, 3000 parking spaces, 31,000 more auto trips a day, and privatized to mediocre, cookie cutter, and unethical insider developers, now we must demand that Federal Judges enforce the law. legal efforts to enforce binding Covenants can stop the massive development and open our park again.

Are we the people going to succeed? Or are billion dollar development conglomerates and illegal , unethical violations of the law, to grab our  public land, going to succeed.

Please call or email Daniel Goldon Wolkoff 202-232-8391 and Help found our Central Park.
Let us save SOMETHING, and it should be this 25 acre green space as EYA et al. gobbles up our entire side of DC. with over 30,000 new housing and retail units, crammed into  our congested streets.

The biggest land theft since the Dutch stole Manhattan in 1624 for 60 Guilders and a bag of trinkets!

UDC Law School held this Forum on the legal issues.

Video viewed starting at <>.]

Jason Klien, Attorney for McMillan Coalition for Sustainable Agriculture
speaks at UDC Law School Forum on McMillan followed by questions and
answers can be viewed starting at 55:13
comments by Jerome Peloquin host of the UDC McMillan Forum

"It seems to me that the Atty General should now be prodded into action
against VMP and EYA as the letter presents allegations of attempted bribery
of a government official (ANC's) This would appear to be a credible cause
of action I believe, e.g. Offers of emoluments with clear monetary value
..The AG could issue subpoena's, do discovery and bring down the entire
house of cards ... Now, let's see just how INDEPENDENT our new AG really is"
  The Intowner article is packed with info, see link below
This message is also posted at the Bloomingdale Neighborhood blog: http://
mcmillan-park-redevelopment. html
*McMillan Park Redevelopment Sinks Further into the Muck*
Published: April 18th, 2017
*By William G. Schulz**
* 18/mcmillan-park-
redevelopment-sinks-further- into-the-muck/
*Accompanying images can be viewed in the* *April 2017 issue pdf
A series of early April filings with the DC Zoning Commission raises the
smell of corruption and levels of bureaucratic muck now surrounding —
perhaps engulfing — the city’s highly controversial plans to redevelop
McMillan Park Reservoir, an historic site which spans the Bloomingdale and
LeDroit Park neighborhoods just to the west of North Capitol Street and the
seven-square block Stronghold neighborhood
across North capitol in Northeast.

Daniel Goldon Wolkoff
McMillan Coalition for Sustainable Agriculture
1231 Randolph Street, NE
Washington, DC 20017
Tel: 202-232-8391

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