
Saturday, November 18, 2017

the winners in the first #BloomingdaleFMcreation contest

Last Sunday, 11-12-2017, I announced a new contest, intended to promote the various producers at the Sunday Bloomingdale Farmers Market.

Here is a link to that blog post.

Did I advertise it very well?  Well, no.

But there were a few responses, which is nice.

Not bad for a first attempt.

So what were the Instagram grams and Twitter tweets that included the #BloomingdaleFMcreation hashtag as well as at least one Bloomingdale Farmers Market producer Instagram or Twitter account?

Here's a rundown:


Here is the lone Instagram post using the #BloomingdaleFMcreation hashtag.  Shopkeepers is located at 1231 Florida Avenue NE.  Thanks for gramming out Garners Produce, Truck Patch Farm and Keswick Creamery.  


One tweet using the #BloomingdaleFMcreation hashtag -- from April Miller:

She didn't include the Twitter accounts from any of the BFM producers, but that's okay for this first go-round.  She does not get placed in the penalty box.

Plus a few tweets from the @BloomingdaleFM Twitter account:

I tweeted out a bunch this week using #BloomingdaleFMcreation and the social media accounts of some of the BFM producers:

Regarding the contest:  I can't include myself or our friends at the Bloomingdale Farmers Market.

So there were only two real entries -- by the person or team behind Shopkeepers and April Miller.

Congratulations, you two.  You each get a small pie from Whisked DC!

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