
Wednesday, December 27, 2017

regurgitating: the 2016 #OneFlorida trial balloon development project at North Capitol Street NW and Florida Avenue NW (that never received any traction...)

It is year-end, so perhaps a good opportunity to review some old suggested development projects that we have not heard much about lately.  

Below is an April 2016 promotion from J Street Companies for the Joe Mamo lot -- a retail-only project dubbed #OneFlorida.

Nothing ever came of it.  

One might assume that the project has been abandoned. 

But wait!  A Rappaport "retail space available" sign is now erected on the fence surrounding the Joe Mamo lot. 

Will a retailer step forward and offer to build a new construction building for retail in accordance with the most recent PUD?  Or would a retailer want to establish its own new PUD? 

Or would this be a by-right project, like the #OneFlorida project was presented to be?  That's my guess.

We shall see.

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