
Wednesday, January 23, 2019

1634 North Capitol Street NW on the 01/24/2018 HPRB consent calendar; see the HPO staff report

1634 North Capitol Street NW is on the HPRB consent calendar, which means no more community input.

Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2019 4:21 PM
Subject: [HistoricWashington]
Revised HPRB Agenda and Live Video Webcast - January 24, 2019  

View the HPRB Hearing webcast Thursday  at:  . The public meeting begins at 9:30 am. 

The Agenda and Consent Calendar for the January 24 meeting of the Historic Preservation Review Board is posted on the website at:  and copied at the end of this message.  Staff reports are posted on the website.

Please Note: The following case scheduled for January 24 is deferred.  


7.    3:00-3:30    1340 Corcoran Street NW, HPA 19-069, permit/paving and trellis in front yard [deferred until March meeting at request of owner and ANC]

Project Drawings are also posted on the website at: 


The Historic Preservation Review Board will meet to consider the following items.  The meetings will be held at 441 4th Street NW in Room 220-South.  Applicants and those interested in testifying should arrive at least fifteen minutes prior to the assigned time for the case.

9:30 Consent Calendar

Anacostia Historic District

A.     1326 Valley Place SE, HPA 19-132, permit/repair and reconstruct two-story house and add addition 

Capitol Hill Historic District

B.      634 Lexington Place NE, HPA 19-097, concept/alter roofline and create basement entrance

Bloomingdale Historic District

1634 North Capitol Street NW, HPA 18-556, revised concept/new construction

Cleveland Park Historic District

3503 Woodley Road NW, HPA 19-136, concept/ rear and side addition

Foxhall Village Historic District

4419 Q Street NW, HPA 19-063, concept/two-story plus basement rear addition

LeDroit Park Historic District

1844 3rd Street NW, HPA 19-124, concept/addition

408 U Street NW, HPA 19-134, concept/ rear addition and roof deck on garage

Pennsylvania Avenue Historic District

999 E Street NW, HPA 19-141, concept/storefront alterations, awnings and signage

U Street Historic District

1519 Swann Street NW, HPA 19-133, concept/ rear and rooftop addition

1833 12th Street NW, HPA 19-135, concept/rear and roof addition

January 24th Agenda

                9:00-9:30:  Executive Session

Landmark Designation Hearing

1.      9:30-10:30      Capital Traction Company Union Station, 3600/3601 M Street NW (Square 1203, Lot 47 and Square 1202, Lot 840) and part of the 36th Street right-of-way

Georgetown Historic District/Historic Landmark

2.                  10:30-11:15    3601 M Street NW, HPA 19-122 and 19-032, subdivision to combine two lots and permit to construct five-story multi-unit building

Anacostia Historic District

3.      11:15-12:00    1201-1215 Good Hope Road SE, HPA 19-142, revised concept/scope of demolition

                    12:00-1:00      LUNCH BREAK

Capitol Hill Historic District

4.      1:00-1:45    201 8th Street NE, HPA 19-104, concept/subdivide lot, alter facades, and construct new multiple unit dwelling
5.      1:45-2:15    628 A Street SE, HPA 19-079, concept/two-story rear and side addition, one-story rooftop addition
6.      2:15-3:00    121 7th Street SE, HPA 19-078, concept/three-story rear addition, one-story rooftop addition, alter front façade

14th Street Historic District

7.      3:00-3:30    1340 Corcoran Street NW, HPA 19-069, permit/paving and trellis in front yard [deferred until March meeting at request of owner and ANC]

Washington Heights Historic District                           

8.      3:30-4:15     1819 Vernon Street NW, HPA 19-106, rear addition; front basement entry

14th Street Historic District

9.      4:15-4:45    1523 Church Street NW, HPA 19-077, concept/rear addition, front yard alterations

Bruce Yarnall • Historic Preservation Operations Manager
DC Office of Planning
1100 4th Street SW, Suite E650 • Washington, DC 20024

See the HPO staff report:

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