
Wednesday, January 23, 2019

DC Water NEBT Tunnel meeting follow-up from Hadiah Jordan

From: Hadiah Jordan
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2019 4:50 PM
Subject: NEBT Tunnel Forum Meeting Follow-up

Northeast Boundary Tunnel Project
Construction Kickoff Meeting Follow-up
January 23, 2019

Thank you for joining us.

Thanks to all of you who attended the Northeast Boundary Tunnel Construction Kickoff Meeting last Thursday evening and we look forward to meeting and working with all of you who were unable to attend. We hope that you found the meeting informative and worthwhile. Thank you for your questions and comments. Our primary goal was to increase your understanding of the Northeast Boundary Tunnel construction, the work schedule and how we will work with the surrounding communities. The construction sites that we discussed were
  • First Street NW Pumping Station
  • T Street NW
  • Florida Avenue NW
  • R Street NW

For More Information -- 
24/7 Northeast Boundary Tunnel Project Hotline: (800) 988-6151
Northeast Boundary Tunnel Project:
DC Clean Rivers Project:

Copyright © 2019 DC Clean Rivers, All rights reserved.
Your contact information is listed on the Northeast Boundary Tunnel Stakeholder Database to receive project updates.

Our mailing address is:
DC Clean Rivers
5000 Overlook Avenue SW
Washington, Dc 20032

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