
Wednesday, January 30, 2019

property damage + more on the 2000 block of 1st St NW -- Tuesday, 01-29-2019

See this 01-30-2019 message:

Last night (Tue., 1/29) around 10 pm more or less, a man climbed over a wall and fence on the 2000 block of 1st St. N.W. and started to throw around a bunch of planters and pots, breaking them all over the garden, steps, and sidewalk.  He also broke the neighboring property's glass storm door.  He then walked off, but stupidly came back to the scene shortly thereafter and got into a little scuffle with one of the residents (who had come outside and evidently knew the guy somehow and also had called police).  

Police arrived, chased him up and down the block, and tackled him somewhat.  They called for transport but he ended up being transported away in an ambulance...  

Small crime, it seems, but 5 cop cars and one ambulance later, you are probably looking at thousands of taxpayer dollars spent on a slightly random act of minor vandalism...

1 comment:

  1. Good. Hopefully he gets the psych eval he needs, and in the meantime won't vandalize again anytime soon.
