
Wednesday, January 30, 2019

ANC5E07 Commissioner Holliday: results of Jam Doung decision hearing today, Wednesday 01-30-2019

From: Bertha Holliday
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2019 6:37 PM
Results of Jam Doung Decision Hearing

I attended the Jam Doung BZA decision Hearing today. In a surprise move, the Board rejected the Office of Planning’s recommendation (I. E. Approval of only the ground floor for use by Jam Doung). 

By a vote of 3 to 1 , BZA approved the applicant’s application as submitted (with 2 floors,), citing evidence provided by the applicant of prior commercial use of the 2nd floor and strong ANC5E support. This decision was accompanied by a proviso:   

1) owners, neighbors, and the ANC in consultation with OP develop a joint agreement related to strategies for addressing perceived adverse impacts — to be submitted by Applicant to  BZA  by Feb. 25;

2) OP to develop a 2nd Supplemental Report to be submitted by March 4;

3) BZA to hold a ‘special limited scope hearing’ focused on the Agreement and its incorporation into its final Decision.

Keep tuned for more info — especially the date and time of a meeting of Jam Doung owners and neighbors.

Bertha Holliday, PhD
Independent Consultant
Diversity assessment, planning, implementation & evaluation

Commissioner, ANC 5E07
Washington, DC

1st Vice President
Co- Director, Bloomingdale Village Square Project Bloomingdale Civic Association

Fellow , American Psychological Association

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