
Thursday, June 20, 2019

neighbor carjacked in the alley of the unit blocks of W and Adams St NW – Wednesday, 06-19-2019

See this Thursday, 06-20-2019 message from a Bloomingdale resident:

Unfortunately, I wanted to share that I was carjacked yesterday morning, Wednesday, June 19 around 8:15am as I tried to leave for work in the alley between the Unit block of Adams and W St NW.  I opened my garage door and saw there were empty trash cans preventing me from driving. Leaving possessions and keys in the car, I got out and moved the trash cans. A black male who I would estimate at 5’8” and slim with short black hair ran at me. He pushed and screamed at me. He jumped in my car and drove off east down the alley with the driver’s door open.  I yelled for help and for someone to call the police while I was in the alley. I then went to the front of the house, called for help, and found a police officer who initiated an investigation.  

I wanted to share this story to warn our neighbors to be safe and extra vigilant. Please share with your listserv.

1 comment:

  1. sounds like the same guy who has been in the unit block alleys for several weeks.
