
Friday, June 21, 2019

new producer at the Bloomingdale Farmers Market this Sunday, 06-23-2019: Pearl Fine Herbal Teas

From: Robin Shuster
Sent: Friday, June 21, 2019 3:08 AM
Subject: NEW Producer Sunday

Elise, owner of Pearl Fine Herbal Teas, is starting with us Sunday.  She will have: 
  1. Healing Heart (local rose, lemongrass, ginger)
  2. Rest and Relaxation (local chamomile, lemongrass, lavender
  3. Ginger Lemon (local ginger and lemongrass)
  4. Happy Belly Blend (local mint, lemon balm, fennel)
  5. Earl Grey Lavender (local lavender)
  6. Green tea with local mint

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