
Sunday, November 17, 2019

naming of an alley in the Stronghold neighborhood -- on this Tuesday's ANC5E meeting agenda

I noticed this item on the agenda of the Tuesday, 11-19-2019, ANC5E meeting:

This has nothing to do with Bloomingdale. 

I asked Stronghold resident Brian Levy, who will be presenting his case at this Tuesday's ANC5E meeting for some info.

Here is his response:

Under the 2016 DC zoning changes, DC’s Office of Planning adjusted our DC zoning codes to allow by-right development on many of the 670 alley lots across the city that are buildable (i.e. alley lots over 450 ft2). These changes directly align with the Mayor’s Order on housing, which requires District agencies to seek ways to build 36,000 new housing units in DC by 2025.                  

Here in Stronghold there is a 5200 ft2 alley lot south of Evarts St NE that the city (DCRA) has verified is qualified for building. To proceed, the owner (Brian Levy) reached out to Ward 5 Council Member McDuffie’s office in August to work on formally naming the alley adjacent to the lot (see map below). All believe community input on alley naming is important and represents an exciting opportunity for neighbors to affect the character of their neighborhood.    

22 properties back the alley proposed for naming, on Evarts NE and North Capitol NE. Of these, one is unoccupied/for sale, and one is owned by the Council Member. The 20 homes were recently canvassed twice, day & evening, emailed when possible, and informed of the alley naming opportunity and the November Stronghold Civic Association meeting (in addition to the paper flyer SCA posted).        
Of those who responded (13 of 20), the following were the preferences (some neighbors provided multiple suggestions):
              8: Stronghold Court
              1: Stronghold Alley (or anything with ’Stronghold’ in it)
              2: Glenwood Alley or Glenwood Way
              1: Grady McCray Court
              1: Butler Court
              1: Kinkaid Alley
              1: McMillan Court
              2: No preference
              1: Opposed naming

Subsequently, at the November 4th SCA meeting, the naming opportunity was presented to the wider Stronghold community. Of those present and able to vote:  

a) SCA voted 9-5 to participate in the alley naming process.
b) SCA voted 9-0 to support the name ’Stronghold Way’. (of those voting, 1 backs on the alley)

I have been working with my ANC6E Commissioner Dianne Barnes to present these results at the upcoming ANC meeting to request ANC support or non-opposition to naming the alley. 



And now you know.

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