
Saturday, July 11, 2020

Bertha Holliday testimony in support of Bill 23-670, Bloomingdale Historic District Targeted Historic Preservation Assistance Amendment Act of 2020

See this testimony submitted by Bertha Holliday in support of Bill 23-670, Bloomingdale Historic District Targeted Historic Preservation Assistance Amendment Act of 2020 -- adding the Bloomingdale Historic District to the Historic Homeowner Grant program.  

From: Bertha Holliday  

Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2020 7:05 PM
Cc: A bunch of people
Subject: Statement of Support for Bill 23-670 (Bloomingdale Targeted Historic Preseratio Amendment Act of 2020) and Increased FY 21 & FY22 Funding for the Homeowner Grant Program

Dear Ms. Koster, 

Attached you will find my statement on the above subject matter. 

I do regret not being able to formally testify at the COW hearing -- but I found myself with a technological breakdown:  iphone would not work, and neither would Zoom!  I think I may have been hacked. 

Thank you so much for your patience.  

Bertha Holliday


Bertha G., Holliday, PhD & Associates, LLC

Independent Consultant (Diversity Assessment, Planning, Impleentation & Evaluation)

49 T Street, NW

Washington, DC 20001



Co- Director

Bloomingdale Village Square Project

"Building Community Identity & Sense of Place"


Commissioner, ANC 5E07

Washington, DC


Fellow, American Psychological Association

HP Homeowner Grant Testimony From Bertha Holliday 2020 07 11 by Scott Roberts on Scribd

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