
Friday, November 02, 2012

Big Bear Cafe: Cascara Tea is back on the menu !!

News from Big Bear Cafe!

Cascara Tea is back on the menu at the Big Bear Cafe!

Cascara, Spanish for “skin”, is just that, the skin of the coffee cherry. Normally in the production of coffee this is considered waste and goes into compost. However, if you dry it out you can steep it like tea and voila! cascara “tea”. Tea from coffee. So is it coffee? Is it tea? Whatever you want to call it, we have it listed on our CUSTOM PRESS MENU and serve it steeped in a 16oz press pot.
We have 2 offerings, Finca Los Alpes and Finca Kilimanjaro. They both hail from Aida Batlle (Finca Mauritania) in Santa Ana, El Salvador. Los Alpes is delicate with notes of green grape and peach, Kilimanjaro is super juicy, notes of white grape and fig.
WARNING: This tea contains at least TWICE the caffeine of coffee, so please drink responsibly!

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