
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

back to Brice McCracken: conversation with PMA Companies

Another message from Bloomingdale resident Brice McCracken:


From: Brice McCracken
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2012 10:06 AM
Subject: Re: DC WATER/WASA Property Damage Claim Denial
Mr Hawkins and All Affected Bloomingdale and LeDroit Park Residents-
I just spoke to Mr. Messenger from PMA, the person who signed the letter denying my damage claim.  I am outraged and angered by the fact that Mr. Messenger told me this morning that he has not even seen a copy of the report which he references in his letter.  From my conversation with him, PMA is acting solely as a third party administrator for DC Water with regards to the claims that were filed.  Based on my discussion with him, PMA essentially is sending out the letters on DC Water`s behalf since DC Water chose not to handle the claims itself.  According to Mr. Messenger, sometimes DC Water handles the claims process internally and sometimes it has PMA handle it.  Can you or Mr Heymann explain why you chose to have PMA send out these denial letter as opposed to handling it internally, as you apparently have done in the past?  Don`t you think its insulting to your customers who have suffered large financial losses due to the negligence of DC Water, to receive a letter that is sent out by a person who has no knowledge of the situation?  I`m willing to bet, the denial letter was probably drafted by Mr. Heymann at DC Water and then forwarded to PMA to be sent out by them. 
I guess I shouldn`t be surprised by any of what has transpired recently.  Since July 10th, DC Water has been quick to pass the blame to everyone from the Federal government down to mother nature.  For once it would be nice to see you or someone at DC Water actually take responsibility for something, but alas, the denial letters that were sent out are no different.  DC Water passed the buck to a third party administrator because you were too cowardly to send the letters out yourself.  I guess having PMA send out the letters makes it easier for DC Water to deflect the blame?  As I said to you in a previous email this week, I hope you are lucky enough to suffer damage to your residence and a financial loss because of DC Water`s negligence in maintaining its water and sewer systems.  Maybe then you will understand how insulting, demeaning and frustrating the entire process of dealing with DC Water and its third party administrator really is.
I hope that DC Water doesn`t chose to use the money it saved denying all these damage claims to fund its holiday party this year.  I would hate to see another video on YouTube of you dancing like you did at the 2010 DC Water Holiday Party.  I`ve included the link for people who wish to see it, the dancing starts at 1:48 into the clip.  
Brice McCracken

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't watch the whole thing. I was embarrassed, this is worse than watching my beloved alma mater student body do a Gungam Style video.
    But seriously, any Bloomingdalians get any money from DC Water?
