
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

DC Water 1st Street Tunnel update: traffic and security concerns

See this tweet from Betsy for ANC:

  • FST Updates

    DC Water's First Street Tunnel Project Team acknowledges the traffic and safety concerns in Bloomingdale- especially north of Rhode Island Ave NW and south of Bryant Street NW.  Recent street closures have increased traffic in the alleyways, especially the east alley of First Street from U Street to Channing Street NW.  We are working with MPD, DDOT, DC Fire & EMS on a three-pronged approach to traffic calming measures that will hopefully curtail dangerous and reckless driving while providing safer streets for local residents.

    1. Enforcement- MPD on site patrolling and issuing tickets. Parking Enforcement is also in the area.
    2. Signage-.Post 10 MPH speed signs in alleys, Post 15 MPH signs on local streets. Add "Do Not Enter" signs in selected alley ways to discourage flow-thought traffic.  Two additional message boards on Rhode Island and N. Capital.
    3. Physical Changes-Speed humps on Second at W Streets NW and U Street from First Street to Second Street NW. Use of collapsible barriers (pilot program) in alleyway adjacent to Crispus Attuck Park. Repair speed hump on W Street NW.
    Enforcement will continue while the above referenced improvements are put in place starting this week and will continue through early October. (Posted Sept. 24, 2014)
    Traffic Advisory

    Noise & Vibration Monitoring Reports

    Construction Staging Areas
  • First Street Tunnel Forum

    The 7th monthly meeting was held on Thursday, August 28, 2014
    presentation (PDF 2.0 mb) .
    Tunnel Forum Meetings @ 7:00 p.m.
    St. George's Episcopal Church
    160 U Street NW

    September 25, 2014
    October 23, 2014
    November 20, 2014

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