Sunday, November 04, 2012

DPW to void parking tickets issued on 10-31-2012 for street sweeping violations

See this 10-31-2012 message DC DPW:

DPW to Void Parking Tickets Issued Today for Street Sweeping Violations

Media Contacts
(Washington, DC) The Department of Public Works will void any erroneous parking tickets issued today for residential street sweeping violations. The tickets will be voided administratively so motorists who received a street sweeping ticket will not have to contact the Department. It may take up to five days for the ticket to be removed from the records.
Due to the challenges produced by Hurricane Sandy, DPW suspended street sweeping Monday and Tuesday this week. Since today is the last day of the street sweeping season and crews were assigned to clearing storm debris citywide, DPW determined the best course was to end street sweeping until the spring.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Speaking of parking tickets, has anyone in the area had any luck using one of the new carpooling websites? I'm interested to see if people have been able to use one of these sites to get around effectively without a car: